Week #2 Soups


“Only the pure in heart can make a good soup”  – Ludwig van Beethoven  

I guess we all have great hearts because our soups tasted amazing. This week in class we made 4 delicious soups. Each soup had its own character that separated it them from one another. Some were bright in color, while others were dark. Each one was special and flavorful.

The soups for this week’s class were:

Vegetarian Matzo Ball Soup

Our team members made a traditional version of matzo ball soup, a well known soup in the Jewish community. We molded the matzo balls into quenelles, giving them a modern look. The soup was rich in flavor and in color.

Black Bean Soup

Team 2 made a black bean soup which was plate with red peppers and a house made vegan sour cream . This soup was full of iron and nutrients as black beans are great for our diet.

Thai Red Lentil Soup with Chili Oil

I was in team 3 and we made the Thai red lentil soup with chili oil. Everything was made in house for our soup and for all the soups made. The lentil soups was delectable and colorful. It was smooth and hearty.


Spicy Chickpea and Bulgur Soup

Team 4 made our spicy chickpea and bulgur soup. The soups favors were amazing. It was rich in taste and in appearance. The plating was great and precise.

Overall, all of the soups were beautifully presented. Each group did a great job executing the dish and bringing them to life with their plating techniques. I look forward to what is in store for next weeks class!