Week 10: Desserts and Cake

Hello class! We are finally on week 10, dessert!

Tonight we explored vegan desserts. All of these desserts are made without dairy and eggs. In order to replace these ingredients, we had to use alternatives such as Red Mill’s Egg Replacer, tofu, tofu cream cheese, soy and coconut creamer, soy and almond milk, and sweet potatoes. All the desserts came out delicious, and I must say our plating has improved significantly since week 1. I am proud of all of us!

I would like to thank Chef Hoffman for guiding us and finding these recipes for us to make, Chef Caroline for offering her expertise and tools, CLT, and of course all of us for making it to class and making tonight a fun experience.

Sweet potato spice cake with cream cheese topping and vegan anglaise sauce, by Cei Kar and Julie

Chocolate macadamia nut cookie by Donald

Fudgy Vegan brownie by Caroline and Yazmin

Silky Lemon custard “Cheese” Cake by Fabiola and Jodie

Week 8: Tofu

“Everything in moderation, and there’s a perfect balance in this life if we can find it.” -Ryan Robbins

Tonight we explored different ways to manipulate and create balanced dishes with tofu as our plant based protein. As I mentioned in class, tofu is a great alternative to a plant based protein that provides no cholesterol. Eating tofu in moderation is key due to the possible health risk it can impose on certain individuals. However, moderation in moderation. Tofu is a great swap if an individual is looking for ways to eat less animal based protein for either bodily health or environmental health.

Before I begin our recap of the class, I would like to thank Professor Hoffman for her guidance, Chef Caroline’s expertise and kindness, and all of my dear classmates for showing up on time, ready, and creative- it really shows from the taste and presentation that we put our heart into tonight’s dishes.

We started class with a fun show and tell. ProfessorHoffman graciously brought in some interesting citrus fruits that are fragrant and delicious.

In this photo, we see a Meyer lemon,Bergamot, Jerusalem Lime, Kumquat,Mandarin Quats, and Sapphire Black Grapes. The Bergamot in particular had an exquisite aroma and mild taste.

We also got to see an interesting root, the Japanese Nagaimo tuber. This was grated into our tofu quiche and itwas used as a binder, and as a texture enhancer. Professor Hoffman also brought in some homemade hamantaschen cookies that had

three fillings, all delicious! This was a fantastic way to start to class, I think I can for the entire class that this show and tell was very fun!

As I said before, tonight’s menu was delicious! Finding ways to replace animal protein with tofu was a challenge, but these recipes show that it is possible to replace animal protein and have it be a great dish.

Tofu Satay with Curry Peanut Sauce, by Fabiola and Professor Hoffman.

Tofu Quiche served with a Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette, by Cei Kar, Jodie, and Nelson.



Tofu Scramble with Yukon Gold and Sweet Potato Home Fries, and a lovely improv sauce made by Nelson!

Tofu “Crabby” Cakes, Simple Slaw and Remoulade Sauce, by Julie and Yazmin


Chile Braised Tofu with Escabeche, by Caroline.