Here is a PDF of the syllabus: syllabus s14
Instructor | PROF. Karen Goodlad | Course Section | D455 | | Day | Thursday | |
Phone | 718-260-5638 | Location | N206 |
Office | N200 | Time | 3:00p.m.-5:30p.m. |
Office Hours | TBD | Class Hours | 3 |
Lab Hours | 0 | ||
Credits | 3 |
Course Description
Historical introduction to fermented beverages throughout the world. Study of beverage making and tasting procedures, including jargon particular to the beverage trade. Basic understanding of geographic, historic, economic and cultural aspects of beverages. Wines – still, sparkling and fortified – are the focus of study. Beers, sake and spirits are introduced. Reinforcement of cost controls and legal responsibilities.
Upon completion of HMGT 2402, the student will be able to
- Identify fermented, brewed and distilled beverages
- Discuss wine making methods using wine industry terminology
- Explain the factors that affect the taste of fermented, brewed and distilled beverages
- Identify geographical regions where fermented and distilled beverages are produced
- Discuss legal and ethical issues in regard to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages
Student Learning Outcomes | Method of Assessment |
a. Gather and synthesize information to identify fermented, brewed and distilled beverages (HMGT: Skill; Gen Ed: Skill) | Quizzes, final examination, written assignments, class participation |
b. Communicate in diverse settings wine making methods using wine industry terminology (HMGT: Skill; Gen Ed: Skill) | Quizzes, final examination, written assignments, class participation |
c. Gather, interpret and apply information about the factors that affect the taste of fermented, brewed and distilled beverages (HMGT: Knowledge; Gen Ed: Integration) | Quizzes, final examination, written assignments, class participation |
d. Gather, interpret and apply information about the geographic regions where fermented and distilled beverages are produced (HMGT: Knowledge; Gen Ed: Integration) | Quizzes, final examination, written assignments, class participation |
e. Demonstrate intellectual honesty and personal responsibility in regard to legal and ethical issues in the sale and service of alcoholic beverages (HMGT: Knowledge; Gen Ed: Values/Ethics) | Quizzes, final examination, written assignments, class participation |
HMGT 2302, HMGT 2303, HMGT 2304
Required Texts
Gibson, Michael. The Sommelier Prep Course. 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Suggested Texts And Readings
NY Times, Dining In/Dining Out
Sante Magazine
Kolpan, Steven, Brian Smith, and Michael A. Weiss. Exploring Wine, Complete Guide to Wines of the World. 2010. 3nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
MacNeil, Karen. The Wine Bible. 2001. Workman Publishing, New York.
Robinson, Jancis. Jancis Robinson’s Wine Course: A Guide to the World of Wine. Abbeville Press: New York. Rev Exp Edition. 2006.
Zraly, Kevin. Windows on the World Complete Wine Course. 2009 Edition. Sterling: New York.
Seating Arrangements
Seat assignments are necessary due to the nature of the tasting. Each student will be required to take the same assigned seat for each class meeting.
Beverage Tasting Framework
Tasting of beverages will commence after the component tasting and continue throughout the semester. Students under the age of nineteen (19) years of age are not permitted to sample alcoholic beverages and tasting is not required. Students whose religious beliefs or medical conditions forbid or prevent drinking alcoholic beverages are not required to taste. Techniques of beverage tasting and the protocol will be demonstrated and explained during the first weeks of the course.
Students are requested to cooperate with the instructor and guest lecturers and each other in setting up the classroom, procuring wine glasses, ice buckets, towels, cutting bread and cheese, waste buckets, garbage pick-up and bussing, and when tasting is completed, remove glasses, bottles and trash. The entire classroom is to be clean prior to dismissal.
It is important as Hospitality Management students to be concerned with the necessary sanitation and housekeeping aspects of the course.
Course Materials
- Corkscrew/Wine Key
- Prepare, a personalized, plastic covered, 1½” or 2” thick, 3 ring binder, labeled with your name clearly on the front and, corresponding table of contents with tabbed sections for:
- course syllabus
- class notes/handouts
- tasting notes
Attendance Policy
The department policy for attendance follows the rules printed in the college catalog (page 30): “A student may be absent without penalty for up to 10% of the number of scheduled class meetings during the semester.
Lecture classes meeting 1 time/week for 15 weeks: 2 allowable absences
Lecture classes meeting 1 time/week for 5 or 7 weeks: 1 allowable absence
Laboratory classes meeting 1 time/week for 15 weeks: 1½ allowable absence
Every lateness (up to 10 minutes after the scheduled start time) equals ½ absences. As stated in the college catalog, “If a student’s class absences exceed the limit established for a given course or component, the instructor will alert the student that a grade of ‘WU’ may be assigned.”
Assessment Strategy
60 points Quizzes
5 points Class Participation
10 points Tasting notes
5 points Analysis of a Wine Retail Store
5 points Visit to Winery
15 points Final Examination
TOTAL 100 points
Point Scale: A 93-100 points A- 90-92.9 points
B+ 87-89.9 points B 83-86.9 points B- 80-82.9 points
C+ 77-79.9 points C 70-76.9 points
D 60-69.9 points
F 59.9 –0 points
Detailed Description of the HMGT 2402 Assessment Strategy/Grading Procedures
60 points Quizzes (6 @ 10pts. Each): Quiz grades are assessed as follows:
- Quizzes are based on lecture and text book material
- Quizzes are fill-in-the-blank, term identification and short answer
- Appropriate use of wine and beverage terminology is expected: spelling counts and students will be penalized for improper spelling
- There will be NO MAKE-UP QUZZES. If absent the student will receive a zero. Speak with your professor in advance should you know you will be absent the day of a quiz.
5 points Class Participation: Class participation is assessed in two ways, discussion of beverages and set-up/break-down:
- Each student is expected to participate in class on a regular basis and contribute to the analysis of the specific beverage presented
- Use of specific and relevant beverage terminology is expected
- Each student will be required to participate in set-up and break-down of the classroom and must be present 20 minutes before the start of class and 20 minutes at the conclusion of class
10 points Tasting Notes: Utilizing the tasting sheet provided in class, make enough copies for the semester (approximately 70 beverages will be tasted): Tasting notes should include:
- A minimum of 12 grape varieties
- Analysis of beverage characteristics (sight, smell, taste)
- Proper beverage identification (grape, producer, country/region of origin)
- Beverage/food pairing analysis
5 points Analysis of Wine Retail Store: Visit a retail store from the provided list, review the store set-up and analyze the benefits of store:
- Proper APA format/organization is required
- Business card or promotional material of the store must be included
- Analysis should be 1½ -2 pages long and must include (but is not limited to):
- How customer friendly layout of the store?
- What regions are highlighted and were they organized and easily identifiable?
- Do they offer a wide price range?
- What added benefits are available in addition to sales?
- Recommendation of improvements and why.
- Additional comments.
5 points Visit to a Winery: Research and select one or more wineries to visit in either the Hudson Valley or Long Island regions of New York (others acceptable after review). Keep notes of research and visit to prepare a 4-5 page paper. Assessment will include:
- Proper APA format/organization is required
- Proper use of wine making terminology
- Observation of grapes or grape vines from the vineyard
- Fermentation methods, bottling, storing and selling at the winery
- Tasting notes
- Winemakers perception of wine trends
- Additional comments
15 points Final Examination: This exam is a compilation of the lecture notes and text readings from the entire semester.
- The format will be fill in the blank, term identification, short answer and multiple choice
- Students will be asked to identify one wine through a blind tasting
The mission of the hospitality management department of New York City College of Technology is to provide students with a hospitality career education that integrates applied management practices and theory with liberal arts and sciences. To fulfill its mission the department will:
offer a comprehensive applied management curriculum;
provide students with the necessary professional and communications skills for successful careers;
foster an understanding of social responsibility through involvement in community service.
Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the catalog.
As stated in the college catalog (page 52), “plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research, or writings as your own.” Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Each student has the right to study and learn in a comfortable, safe, supportive environment that promotes self-esteem— free of fear, humiliation, intimidation, offensive or suggestive language.
As stated in the Student Handbook (page 66), the use of cellular phones and audio equipment in all academic and study areas of the college are prohibited. Cellular phones, beepers, pagers, IPods, etc. must be turned off during class sessions. Students are not permitted to take calls or text message during class or to leave the classroom during scheduled class time to conduct a conversation. Students may not use their cell phones as calculators.
The hospitality management department has developed a standardized format for all oral presentations. Refer to oral presentation rating form and Effective Speaking Guidelines.
The hospitality management department has developed a standardized format for all written assignments. Written work must be prepared using APA Style Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition as a reference guide. All editorial formats, abbreviations, use of statistics, graphs, citations and references must conform to APA style. Footnotes are not permissible. Visit the City Tech Library website for APA Style Guides.
Unless otherwise instructed, all papers are to be simply bound with a staple in the upper left-hand corner. No report covers are to be used. All papers must be computer generated, double-spaced on white bond or computer paper (8½ ² x 11² with no holes), standard margins (1² top x 1² bottom x 1² left x 1² right), Courier or Times Roman typeface, 12 points. Correct spelling, sentence structure and grammatical construction are expected. Proofreading is a given!
Standard title (cover) page must include assignment name centered on the title page; one double space below, type student’s name; one double space below, type course title / section number; one double space below, type instructor’s name; one double space below, type due date; all entries are centered under assignment name. Exceptions to standardized format: Memoranda follow a standard memo format. Internship reports must be spiral bound.
Week # |
Date |
Lecture Topic |
Reading Assignment |
1 |
Jan 30
Lecture |
Overview of Course Requirements Assigned Seating Term Papers Assigned Distillation
Gibson Chapters 1, 26 & 27 |
2 |
Feb 6
Lecture |
Viticulture and Vinification Components of Grapes & Wine Vineyards of the World Appellations and Regulations
Gibson Chapters 2, 3, 4 |
3 |
Feb 13
Lecture |
Service, Sales, Storage, Tasting Techniques |
Gibson Chapters 7, 28 & 29 |
4 |
Feb 27
Lecture & Tasting |
Wines of The United States
Regions, History, Varietals, Wine & Food Pairing
Quiz # 1 /Gibson Chapter 15 & pages 271-279 & 288-298 |
5 |
Mar 6
Lecture & Tasting |
Wines of California
Regions, History, Varietals, Wine & Food Pairing
Gibson Chapter 6 & pages 279-288 |
6 |
Mar 13
Lecture & Tasting |
Wines from FranceEU Rules and Regulations Loire Valley and Alsace History, Varietals |
Quiz # 2 /
Gibson Chapter 15 & 9
7 |
Mar 20
Lecture & Tasting |
Wines from France
Bordeaux, Burgundy, The Rhone Valley History, Varietals
Gibson Chapter 9
8 |
Mar 27
Lecture & Tasting |
Champagne and Sparkling Wines
What is Champagne? Different Processes & Styles Methode Traditionnelle
Quiz # 3 /
Gibson pages 57-60, 98, 147-152, 283, 412-413 |
Week # |
Date |
Lecture Topic |
Reading Assignment |
9 |
April 3 Lecture & Tasting |
Wines of Germany Eastern Europe Regions, History, Varietals
Retail Store Analysis Due /
Gibson Chapters 12 & 14
10 |
April 10
Lecture & Tasting |
Wines from ItalyRegions, History, Varietals
Quiz # 4 /
Gibson Chapter 10 |
11 |
April 24
Lecture & Tasting |
Australia, New Zealand, South Africa Regions, History, Varietals
Quiz # 5 /
Gibson Chapters 17,18 & 19 |
12 |
May 1
Lecture & Tasting |
South America and the Iberian Peninsula Regions, History, Varietals
Tasting Notes Due /
Gibson Chapters 20, 22 & 11 |
13 |
May 8
Lecture & Tasting |
Fortified Wines –Sherry, Port & Madeira Regions, History, Varietals
Quiz # 6 /
Gibson Chapter 13 |
14 |
May 15
Lecture & Tasting |
Beer: Ales and Lagers
Winery Report Due /
Gibson Chapter 24
15 |
May 22
Blind Tasting |
Final Examination |
Review all in class and text book notes