4 thoughts on “Soda, oh soda…

  1. It’s no surprise how some big companies like Coca Cola in this case, sell goods that are not healthy for the human body, but sell them because they make massive amounts of dollars off these products. It’s shocking of the amount of sugar that soda contains and I don’t think reducing portion sizes would really have an affect. My reason being is because if the consumer wants more, they can simply buy another.

  2. Yes, corporations will always find ways to sell more, they must please shareholders after all. As college students, this is a perfect time to ask the question of what you wish to do with your money and what you wish to eat. Educate yourselves about your food and drink, and question who you wish to support!

  3. Once I did a project on aspartame is one of the artificial sweeteners found in diet cokes as well as many other “diet drinks and foods”. I remember just reading about the affects it has on our bodies I gave up soda for 2 years. I do agree with professor Goodlad it is really important to educate ourselves on what we are putting in to our bodies Unfortunately companies such as Coca-cola and Pepsi-Co will always find a way to try and change the public views on their products and continue to profit. But we have to remember “You are what you eat.”

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