Restaurant Review

Read Pete Wells’ review of RedFarm.

  • Would you eat there? Why or why not? (be specific in your explanation)
  • What menu item in the review stood out to you? Would you try it?
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42 Responses to Restaurant Review

  1. I would definitely give RedFarm a shot, in part because of how excitedly and vividly Mr. Wells described his dumpling experiences. The menu items that caught my attention the most were the dumplings of different assortments, and how every individual dumpling was in a league of its own. Moreover, the pastrami egg roll with mustard dipping sauce seems enticing, a fusion of plain old american comfort food and chinese cuisine. I’m curious to see how many dumplings I could eat in one sitting.

  2. jruggiero says:

    I would not eat at RedFarm because when it comes to Chinese food I will only go to two places, the Chinese place down the block from my house or the Dumpling House in China Town. When it comes to this type of food I am very picky, if it does not taste the way I expect it to taste then I will not be happy. While this restaurant seems amazing and really has great choices, they are very deep into the culture and I am not one to take that jump and try them. As for the no reservations, waiting on line, and non-comfortableness of the place- makes me not want to go more. I like to wait maybe 25 minutes and then be happy and comfortable. When I eat, I like to really be into it- if not my night is over.
    The item that stood out the most was the rib steak. When it comes to meat and steak, you got me hooked. I love eating meat and giner and soy sauce YUM! I would def try that plate!

  3. Belinda Leung says:

    I think I would dine at the RedFarm because even though I am not a big fan of dim sum, the author describes the dishes as not the traditional type of dim sum but with an American twist. I have also tried the soup dumplings from Joe Shanghai before, which was mentioned in the review, and I agree those dumplings are one of a kind. I really like the atmosphere in the restaurant because it has a modern touch as well as an artsy side. This establishment really intrigues me since it has that very homey look. There are a couple of things that I like on the menu which are the rib steak, the dim sum appetizers and the dumplings. My family and I grew up in a heavy asian background and I would not mind trying this variation of the traditional cuisines.

  4. Magou Camara says:

    I would most definetly give RedFarm a chance. Just reading the review has rivers running in my stomach! I’ve dined at many typical restaurants and always wanted to try something new! RedFarm is the difference I have been looking for. What caught my attention and made my mouth water was the rib steaks in shredded papaya ginger and soy sauce! I just wish there was a plate ingront of me right now! And of course their well known dumplings. As Pete Wells mentioned in his review “It’ll be silly to not try the dumplings.” Despite their weird apperance I’ll take a risk and try the dumplings as well!

  5. Faith Johnson says:

    That article defiantly made me hungry, right up my path. I love dumplings from regular Chinese food take out, now in a restaurant like this i can only imagine it being 10 times better than take out. I would go to this restaurant today if I could, I’m actually thinking about leaving right now to try it out. The little characters they make out of the dumpling dough so it would take a simple meal and make it edible to the eyes makes me want to go there just to take pictures of the meal that i choose to order. I would try the characters from PacMan because it would be very entertaining to eat something that is a high time of my childhood and to create a taste and color to look like the characters is even more delightful to me. Whatever dumpling that has that Rib steak in it i want to try that because i recall marinating a beef in soy sauce and seasonings in my first culinary class and it was amazing. That was only for a couple of hours so marinated steak overnight will be a flavor explosion i could never imagine i could taste.

  6. Zhe Zhuang says:

    I would definitely go there if I have time. My favorite food is Chinese food, although I am picky about Chinese food in New York, because it is very different from really Chinese food and most food here is Cantonese style, I will try what people highly recommend as well. The good quality of ingredients and the reasonable price, this two reasons are enough for me to try the food there. The rid steak catches my eyes, the sources and ingredients chef use are combined Eastern and Western, I believe it is a wonderful experience to eat this special food. The dumplings also are the worth one to taste, especially the crab dumplings. I like the way the author describe how to eat them, I can feel I just eat them and recollect the pleasant flavor after I finish.

  7. jelani crawford says:

    I am a huge fan of Chinese food so I would absolutely love to dine at the RedFarm if given the opportunity. I love Chinese food not only because it is affordable for most but I also like the fact that the Chinese don’t typically use any dairy products in the foods they make. The menu item that was mentioned that interest me the most was absolutely the spectral shrimp dumplings. I adore seafood so anything that contains either shrimp, crab meat, or fish is a “must try” in my book. :]

    • Anthony Robinson says:

      Yum that spectral shrimp dumpling sounds good to me. That’s interesting I never paid attention to the detail that The Chinese rarely used dairy products in their food. Also, its nothing like eating food that is quality, delicious and affordable.

    • Tiffany Onate says:

      agreed = )

  8. Anthony Robinson says:

    I think this has to at least be the fourth or fifth time I have heard a positive review on the RedFarm restaurant. I didn’t know the exact cuisine that was served. But I was reassured that the food was great. After reading this article I will visit this restaurant very soon. I am interested in the creative diversity of this restaurant; in introducing an interesting spin on modern Chinese cusine. It is a hard thing to single out only one the entrees that interest me the most. But If I had to choose one it will be that steak marinated in papya and herbs.

  9. Tiffany Onate says:

    I’m personally not a huge fan of Chinese food; especially around queens where I live. I do love Vietnamese and other Asian nations such as Japanese and Korean, for their food, which always look much more appealing and took time to cook/make. I would consider coming here because of the modern take on the concept of classic Chinese food. Also as you can see the image in the article, they take attention to detail. This shows me they know what they are doing and also those they are not just some other Chinese spot down the block.

  10. Vivian Yu says:

    It was definitely a bad idea to read this review on an empty stomach; my mouth was watering! I would absolutely add RedFarm to my list of places to dine at. Being that I am part Chinese, I am a huge fan of Chinese cuisine. I have tried chef Joe Ng’s dishes before at Chinatown Brasserie and also at a dimsum restaurant in Brooklyn before so I’m curious what he has in store at the RedFarm. The menu item that appeal to me most was the grilled rib steak marinated in shredded papaya and soy sauce. In addition, I would also want to try the shrimp and snow pea leaf dumplings because it is made to look like a character from one of my favorite movies “Totoro”, a Miyazaki film, according to the photos.

  11. ang39 says:

    Reading this review makes me fall back in love with wanting to eat Chinese Cuisine. I will definitely try Red Farm. The fact that the dumplings have character makes it all the better to try. I would try the dumplings if i go there just because it will have some type of personality.
    It makes me want to continue tasting different types of food and now I am ridiculously HUNGRY!

  12. Victoria says:

    I love Chinese food and would eat at Redfarm I would eat there because the food choices sounds great and reasonable. Also because it sounds like real chinese food not like that nasty tasting food you get from the corner Chinese spot. One of the menu item that I would try would be the dumpling , because I love chinese dumplings and these sounds good.

  13. Red Farm is a restaurant where I would definitely like to eat dinner. I am a fan of chinese food, however, it is hard to find a great chinese restaurant these days being that most of the Chinese restaurants I know are fast food restaurants. The interior of this restaurant seems to be very cozy and comfortable. It is a place where I would like to enjoy a meal with my family. Most of the menu items described in this review seemed appetizing, but two items that stood out to me were the shrimp dumplings and the rib steak marinated in shredded papaya, ginger, and soy sauce. The dumplings seem like a fun dish to try because of their characteristic appearance, and the steak definitely built my appetite.

  14. Jia Sun says:

    I would dine at RedFarm, but will not designedly to eat there. Even through I love to eat dumplings, Chinese food is ordinary for me, and I tasted the really delicious dumplings in China. The menu caught my attention for the author’s toothsome words. His words make my air that is full of the dishes’ flavor. I would try the shimp dumplings and the grilled rib steak marinated in shredded papaya and soy sauce.

  15. Huihong He says:

    I would like to visit RedFarm in the future. Looking at their pictures from its Facebook, Mr. No and Mr. Schoenfeld found an interesting way to present Chinese food and they all look exquisite. Pete Wells also vividly describes how the soup dumpling tastes. And this also reminds me of having good dishes in Joe’s Shanghai. I really wonder how other dishes look like in American style plating.

  16. jayfetalino says:

    After reading this article, I would definitely dine in at RedFarm because of how Pete Wells describes the food that they offer and I also enjoy eating dumplings. Also, the review said that “the restaurant has been consistently crowded” it tells me that this restaurant is a good place to eat and worth to try. I’m pretty curious about the taste of the Shrimp and snow-pea leaf dumpling, and i never seen any dumpling “staring” at me before and never plated like it. Dumplings, spicy crispy beef, smoked cucumbers, okra and Thai eggplant yellow curry and rib steak really stood out to me. I really hope that I can get a chance to try them all.

  17. ming yan lo says:

    Yes, I would love eat in at RedFarm. I am Chinese and I am picky with dumpling. It is easy to find dumpling in New York, but it is difficult to find a good dumpling, even in China Town. In the review, the managemnt mentioned about “Chinese cuisine with a Greenmarket sensibility.” I feel confident with their dumpling quality, because a outstanding dumpling is made with fresh ingredient. Also, the dumpling in the photos is appetizing. Among the menu items, I wan to try the rib steak in shredded papaya, ginger and soy sauce.

  18. marymoy says:

    I would love to eat at RedFarm because i am a huge fan of dumplings, dim sums and any asian food. The way he describes some of the dishes, makes it seem really delicious and appealing. The only thing i don’t really like is how crowded it gets but that also means that the restaurant is really good. Kowloon filet mignon tart sounds really interesting and i would like to try it. Oyster dumpling also sounds delicious because i love seafood. I have also been to Joe Shanghai, that was mentioned in the article, they have the best soup dumplings!

  19. Min Kang says:

    I would not eat at Redfarm because im not a big fan of dumpling and dim sums.. when I was reading this article I thought of the moment when I went to eat dim sum with friends for the first time when I got there I was bery excited but when I saw the food I couldnt eat any because it was just not my type of food, and I dont really eat or enjoy chinese food so theres nothing I would like to try from this restaurant….if I have chance I would like yo try there ribs but I doubt it!

  20. Amanda sylvestre says:

    I would definitely Dine at the RedFarm restaurant only because I’m open to new things and not so quick to judge. Although some of their dishes do not sound inviting, I would try the shrimp dumpling. Pete Wells did an excellent job on his description of the dumplings,almost made my mouth water. The food item that stood out to me the most was the dessert of freshly carved fruits dipped in ginger syrup. Surprisingly, I’m not much of a fan of ginger but the ginger syrup seems alittle interesting.

  21. Radairis P. says:

    Personally, even though the reviewer provides excellent critics of the restaurant, I don’t feel the urge of dining out at this restaurant. I am probably the odd one, but I dislike dumplings. I do have to admit that the restaurant is quite creative because by viewing their plating of the dumplings made me wonder of how good Red Farm can be in the cooking of other dishes that include meat, which basically makes me an obvious meat eater than anything else.

  22. christianh says:

    This restaurant is definitely interesting! they seem to be very artistic with their plating and use a lot of color on each dish. For example, “Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde, spectral shrimp dumplings in blue, pink, yellow and white, chasing a Pac-Man made of sweet potato tempura with a blueberry for an eye.” This dish pulls me in, and makes me want to visit Redfarm. Although they are very focused on plating, i wonder how “great” their food taste.

  23. Natalie Brown says:

    I would consider myself a picky eater when it comes to Chinese food but from reading this review i must admit that i am intrigued. I have heard several good things about dumplings and it is something i always wanted to try. RedFarm sounds like a nice place to dine with good company and i would consider going in the near future. Reading the review actually got me a little excited, the rib steak is something that will absolutely go on my list of things to try.

  24. mstephen says:

    I would most defiantly eat at RedFarm. I am a fan of fun foods that are packed with flavor. The descriptions of the food in the article made my mouth water. It seems to be elevated Chinese. And what’s even better is that the produce and meat is organic if you will. This is definitely a step up from the usual egg roll and chicken brocolli. I would live to have a chance to try Chinese food from amazing chefs that put a lot of thought and creativity into there food. That dishes that attracted me the most were, of course, the dumplings and the crispy beef. It just seems like a place where you can order a bunch of appetizers and share with your friends.

  25. Kara says:

    I would eat at this restaurant. I love Chinese food and the description of the dumplings sounds amazing and extremely mouth watering. The place seems to have a nice vibe as well. There is nothing better than being able to eat delicious Chinese food in an amazing atmosphere! Also, its location is wonderful.

  26. jenny zhu says:

    I would love to eat at RedFarm one day. I like chinese food. It’s delicious. Chinese dumplings are one of my favor food. Sometimes, the dumpings are crispy, spicy, they have pork, beef, or only vegetable inside. I remember when I was a little, I used to watch my grandma make it. Back to this restaurant, RedFarm, Chef. Joe Ng definitily bring the Chinese Cruises to the upper new level. If let me compare this restaurant to other chinese restaurants, this one is more modern and unique, because of the location, the food they made over there. I looked at the menu, many of the dishes have been make up, thats good! If I go there, I will definitity try the dumpling.

  27. I love dumplings! Since they have a good review about their food and it was mentioned that their servers are good, I would try their food and dine at RedFarm. I visited their website and check the prices, the average price for their dumplings is $12 for 4 pieces of dumplings, it is a little expensive. But I guess their dumplings are worth to try since the review says “RedFarm’s cooking runs hard toward OMG”. I would like to try their dessert, which is the dessert of carved fruit in light ginger syrup. I love desserts that has ginger in it!

  28. haoye says:

    I would like to eat there one day. I know many places have delicious food and dumplings. RedFarm plate the dumpling to attracts the eye of the customers and with the descriptions of the food in the article made me mouth watering.

  29. Beata Mroczka says:

    I would like to visit this restaurant and try the food that they have to offer. I do enjoy Chinese cuisine but I’ am also very picky when it comes to it. I have tried dumplings many times in different places but I have to admit that most of the times it did not hit the spot for me. Mr. Wells makes all of the food in the restaurant sound so delicious and enticing. The spicy crispy beef sounds really good as well as the Kowloon filet mignon tarts and okra and Thai eggplant yellow curry. I will absolutely visit this place in the future.

  30. tchoedon says:

    absolutely I will love to try to visit and eat at this restaurant because i love dumpling and i make dumpling at home as well. even though it looks little congested in the sitting area I would eat there and it has a modern and artistic about this place. i know how to make them because to see from what perspective is their stuff different from mine and what technique they use to make them. moreover the description that they give in this article makes it look creative, delicious and unique about the dumplings that they offer. I am looking forward to try the flat-bellied duck and crab dumplings and the okra and eggplant in a Thai-style yellow curry they all look amazing and wanting to eat right now. YUMMMMMM!!!!!! HMMMM…… :))

  31. yanaira1 says:

    After reading this review I would dine at RedFarm but not because of the dumplings. I hate dumplings but the reviewer did a great job in describing the plate. I would go to this restaurant to see how the other chinnese food they offer taste. The picture caught my eyes because the dishes looks very well presented and it looks like a calm relaxing atmosphere.

  32. qiaoliu says:

    I would eat at red farm because they have a modern twist to the old traditional Chinese dim sum I normal eating since i was a kid. The menu item that stood out to me the most was the dumpling that has little eyes one top and it come with three to four types. I would not try it because the dumplings is made with shrimp and crab meat. I would like to try the cucumber dishes Wells Pete was recommended to by another customer in RedFarm.

  33. Yatta Kamara says:

    I would love to try the shrimp dumpling and the grill ribs, only because I love shrimps and ribs. Mr. Wells description was very informative

  34. Sheveen Vassell says:

    I would dine at this restaurant because I love dumplings. From what i have read from the article it seems that it would not only be appetizing but also very appealing to the eye almost like a show. I would try all the dumplings mention in this article and most of their menu from online.

  35. imatias89 says:

    Because the author of this review says that “RedFarm is a collaboration between one of New York’s greatest Chinese chefs, Joe Ng, and one of its greatest Chinese restaurateurs, Ed Schoenfeld” it makes me want to eat there. It makes me curious to find out why they are the called greatest. Also the way the food is described sounds tasty that makes me want to go there right now. He also says that the restaurant has a lot of clientele that tells me that people must really like it there. The menu item that stood out to me is the spicy crispy beef and the rib steak. Yes I would love to try this because I love Chinese food. I’m pretty sure these items will taste really good.

  36. Nadia Gellizeau says:

    From the review the restaurant sounds amazing! I would love to go and try the food and environment of RedFarm. I love trying new things, and i have only had authentic Chinese food once. I love how this restaurant is infused with both authentic Chinese cuisine and also westernized foods. Also the restaurants humble effort to keep products not only delicious but green market sensible is very intriguing to me, and i think a wonderful idea. From the foods listed i would definitely try the crab dumplings. Wells does such a great job explaining the dish that i am very curious to see if it taste and looks as good as he describes.

  37. Stacy-Ann says:

    I would definitely dine at RedFarm because I really don’t dine out a lot for one. And second the discription of the dumplings makes my mouth watery. The review was very informative and that also gave me insights as to the expectations and ambiance and service of the restaurant and servers. I like Chinese cuisine a lot so I think I would definitely enjoy a dish on the menu.
    I would want to try the dumplings for sure, the rib steak and the spicy crispy beef. These menu items stood out to me becuase I like dumplings, steak and spice. So I would go for it and also the price is not bad at all.

  38. Richard Hernandez says:

    I would most definitely try to eat at RedFarm. RedFarm received an amazing review, he literally gave life to the food with his imagination. There is so much food mentioned that I would love to try out. For example, the shrimp dumplings, not only because I enjoy eating shrimp; the spicy crispy beef, they show it to you in the slideshow, but it looks weird and unrecognizable, but the name alone makes you want to try it; and the grilled rib steak that was marinated in papaya and soy sauce for a whole day, just to taste what that would taste like.

  39. Emmanuella Kalliangas says:

    “RedFarm” seems like a fantastic little Chinese place to try. I certainly love Asian flavors and Pete Wells had me at “Chinese cuisine with a Greenmarket sensibility”. The dumplings descriptions sound absolutely devine, despite the fact that Pete Wells referenced their appearance to “strange, adorable characters in a Miyazaki film”. Besides the dumplings, I am a meat and potatoes kinda girl so I would love to try the spicy crispy beef and the rib steak that was marinated in papaya and soy sauce. Sounds delicious! yummmm!

  40. Deneisha says:

    I would definitely give Red Farm a shot because I like to try different foods even though the presentations may not seem great the menu description. Just reading this article made me want to go the supermarket and pick up the ingredients and make the rib steaks because it sound so mouth watering.

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