Restaurant Review

Read the review of Machiavelli.

  • Would you eat there? Why or Why not? (be specific)
  • What do you think of the musical theme?
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45 Responses to Restaurant Review

  1. iabsar says:

    I would not eat at the restaurant for one reason, and it would have to be because of the live music. When I go to a fine dining establishment I want to be able to full pay attention to who I am with and not be distracted by a performance going on in the room as I am eating. The room looks beautiful with maticulous attention to deatil, but the ambiance is ruined with the music playing . If the restaurant was to get rid of the music playing I would surely try it out but until then I would not.

  2. Alina says:

    I would love to eat in this restaurant. There are many good reasons to dine here, such as for me i find that the descriptions of the cuisine is expectacular. I also love the decor of the restaurant, it gives you a lot to see while you are there, and it is like nothing I have ever seen before in another restaurant. I think that the musical theme in the restaurant is the best part. The restaurant owners pay a lot of attantion to the music, and to how the restaurant is looked at by their guest. The music, and the type of attantion they put into it, reflects that the music goes very well attached to the vibe of the restaurant. It acts as an inhansment to the good quality of service to the restaurant.

  3. Faith Johnson says:

    I would eat there still even though it seemed like the reviewer was very disappointed or unsatisfied. I would give it a try because they have such a peaceful ambiance that I probably wouldn’t really focus too much on the service. I don’t feel the food was too bad because it didn’t mention any of the foods having a distaste but it stated that it wasn’t hearty, it wasn’t your money’s worth. I love the theme of the restaurant, they put a lot of effort into making people comfortable. The wide-hipped chairs bring out the Italian flavor they are trying to present. When you eat Italian you eat big. Unfortunately they may not serve enough to really eat big but they do stay in theme.

  4. Belinda Leung says:

    I would not dine at the Machiavelli because of many reasons. First off, I am not a big fan of live music because while I am eating out, I like to enjoy the company that I am with. It is very awkward for guests to sit there and just eat or have to shout over the soprano singer just to have a decent conversation. Second, if I am spending a lot of money I would not prefer to spend it on bland meals and have servers walk around and not pay attention to me. Even if I am a big fan of Italian food and artsy places, I do not believe that this restaurant would be my top choice.

  5. tenzin choedon says:

    Machiavelli would be a great place to eat out for others but for me it wouldn’t be the best place to eat there because I do not like to listen to music and eat food. I like to connect with the person that I’m with and like to enjoy the company. Moreover, I would not spend lot of money on food that’s tasteless. I don’t think that the server at the restaurant would be as attentive as they look because music is over powering the restaurants artistic environment. I do like italian food and I am very devoted fan of italian food but I would not dine in this restaurant because I like to enjoy what i order and enjoy the surrounding.

  6. Huihong He says:

    I would not eat at this restaurant for three reasons. First of all, I want to have lunch or dinner in a quiet restaurant. It doesn’t mean it has to be very quiet, but instead of some people are playing live music in the room. Second, the food in that restaurant is a little bit of expensive for me. For instance, the thin-crust pizza is $14 to $18. The price is a little bit higher than the normal restaurant. Moreover, if I have to spend a lot of money in a restaurant, I would like the servers are paying attention to me and always take care of what I need.

  7. I appreciate the idea and dedication of incorporating fine Italian art as a way of refining the sophistication at the Machiavelli, and it being a significant part of the dining experience. Although, when reading that not enough effort was placed in the cuisine, naturally, it discouraged me from dining there. Essentially, good food is what every guest expect when they’re looking to spend a little more than average on a meal. In theory, having a taste of the opera with a little live soprano while dining sounds great, but when referred to as ” singing into your ear”, like so in the article, it’s a bit of a turn off; usually, one enjoys being able to converse with those joining them at the table.

  8. marymoy says:

    Machiavelli looks like a lovely place to eat at and it’s beautiful inside but i would not eat there because I am not a huge fan of live music in a restaurant. I like listening to music while I’m eating but it would be at a low volume so that i can also have a conversation with the person I’m with. I wouldn’t want to raise my voice to try to get a waiters attention or have to scream over the singers voice to try to have a conversation with my friend. I’ve been to restaurants where waitresses have gotten on top of tables and started singing and i thought that was cute and funny so it didn’t bother me while i was eating but that was only because it was for a few minutes.

  9. Minjung K. says:

    I would love to eat in this restaurant but I dont like how they play live music inside of the restaurant. I meant it would be good to hear while we are eating on a saturday night listening to live music and relax but if I was with someone that I have to talk or the person who Im eating with doesnt like the live music it can be negative. Second, I wouldnt want to spend that much money on a meal the price is little too high for the meal. I would like to visit once in my life though.

  10. nancyle says:

    I would and would not dine at Machiavelli for different reasons such as, depending on the occassion and who I may dine with. Since Machiavelli offers live music, it would be a perfect choice if I am going with others who are just looking for a good time and relax while feeling hungry. While on the other hand, Machiavelli would not be a great place to eat at if I’m dining out with those who I may need to have a serious conversation with. Although the prices of their general menu items may be quite high, I would still like to give Machiavelli a try.

  11. Kara Muzio says:

    I would eat at this restaurant because it seems very different from any place i have ever been. It is unique in it’s own way, and is very artsy and original. other than for those reasons, I would not choose to eat here due to the prices, and because I like more of a comforting atmosphere rather than what seems to be pretty hectic or rather “busy” looking, decoration- wise. I would rather something more simple but if I was offered I would go here for a different vibe. As for the musical theme it seems pretty interesting but I would definitely not want that kind of music being played so close to me while I am eating and conversing.

  12. Italian cuisine is one of my favorite foods. I love pasta, but unfortunatly Machiavelli seems to have “dropped the ball” on delivering quality pasta dishes. The food at Machiavelli is expensive and tastless. On the other hand the restaurant is elegantly assemble, with decorations, chairs, high ceilling and even a live suprano singer table side. But, in the end my main interrest lies on the quality of food verses the price I’m paying. So I’ll have to pass on Machiavelli, although the table side singing seems classy and appealing.

  13. The interior of Machiavelli seems very elegant and beautifully detailed. However, after reading this article I have to agree with the author that the owner should pay more attention to the detail of the food rather than the art and music. The food is the most important part of a restaurant and after reading about the most upscale dishes being the least delicious, my attitude towards this restaurant changed. I could not believe that a place this beautiful didn’t have the quality of food to accompany its beauty. It seems to be a place where looks are decieving. However, despite the upscale dishes not being the best, the author mentioned a number of dishes that are delicious. Italian food is my favorite and I have come to a conclusion that I would actually like to eat at Machiavelli to see if this restaurant lives up to its reputation or if it’s as they say it is. I do not like anyone singing when I am trying to have a conversation and enjoy my meal, but who knows the singer may have a beautiful voice and the music may be pleasant rather than bothersome. I guess I would have to visit this restaurant to find out for myself. Everyone has their own opinion and it all depends on your experience and taste.

  14. jruggiero says:

    When choosing a restaurant to dine at a few questions come to mine: Can I afford it?, Is there something I would want to eat?, What type of people are going to be there?, and Is there going to be some type of entertainment? Machiavelli seems like it could fall into the positives and negatives of some of these questions. I myself would probably not dine there for a couple of reasons… 1. It sounds like a restaurant that is okay to go to if your having a business dinner and your boss is buying. 2. The ‘bland food’ options, high prices, and ‘listless servers’ makes my heart hurt! The one thing I cannot stand when I am out to eat is a horrid server and tasteless food. However, with being Italian, I am so sure I could go there and pick something on the menu and love it!
    As for the music, the lively the better! I love going to a restaurant, espically in Manhattan, and having live music! There is nothing better than being out with people you love, eating food you love, and listening to music you can love!

  15. Jia Sun says:

    I would not eat at this restaurant. Machiavelli has a high-class decoration, but this too flamboyant environment could make me difficult to get relaxation when I was having dinner. Moreover, even though the live music is attractive, I think most people want to focus on their food and talk to their friends. Also out of politeness, people cannot ignore the singer’s perform; it would affect the guests to dine there.

  16. ming yan lo says:

    The restaurant theme and living music are just gimmicks. I would not eat at Machiavelli because of live music and the price. Personally, ambiance plays a important role when I choose a restaurant. The Renaissance-themed decor is pro, but the con overwitght the pro. First, live music would be distrubing if I want to have a private conversation with my company. Also, the food is pricey too: The thin-crust pizzas ($14 to $18) etc. If I am going to visit a fine dining, my criteria are service, food, and ambiance in order.

  17. mstephen says:

    When dining out, I really tend to focus on the food and service. Although I do love art, I feel that dining in a restaurant that plays live music and pushes the fine arts in your face would be one that I would visit once or twice. Loud music playing, especially when you not fond of it, can be annoying or distracting when your trying to enjoy your meal. If there is too many things happening at once, it can make you lose focus on the money maker which is the food. So I probably wouldn’t set out to dine in this restaurant but it is worth a shot.

  18. qiaoliu says:

    I would not eat at this restaurant because the article label its food as bland and the servers are listless. I don’t think the music theme would work because I like to talk to people that I’m dining with, and rarely listen to the music playing in the restaurant.

  19. Tiffany Onate says:

    personally, i believe that the restaurant could be re done better due to the menu and price selection. according to the article , the restaurant looked more for decor rather then the food its self. In comparison the hard rock cafe , The food is moderate level of delicious options . the price you pay there is for the decor i believe then the effort in the food. i wouldn’t eat in this establishment because they dont seem like they really are focused purposely on the more important and obvious part of a restaurant which is the food. maybe if it was for the decor alone they probably would get a better rating.

  20. Vivian Yu says:

    Though Machiavelli’s decor sounds appealing since I am into art and architecture, their food doesn’t appeal as much to me. I am not a very big fan of Italian food. The items listed in the article aren’t things I like to eat. I may eat pasta once in a while, but it’s not something I like to eat very much of. Plus, the author mentions that the most upscale things on the menu are the least delicious and he also mentions that the food is bland. So why would I risk coming here and waste my money to expect bland food? Another thing that contributes to why I wouldn’t come here is the live music. I dislike live music because I have had a bad experience with live music before and ever since then, I kind of refuse to go to a restaurant with live music. It is hard to communicate with your mate and at a higher end restaurant, I would like to enjoy my meal and not get distracted from anyone else.

  21. fares says:

    I would eat at Machiavelli’s restaurant because I believe in trying foods at different restaurants and getting the chance to judge it myself rather than listening to other peoples’ comments. The theme of the restaurant does not lure me. It is an interesting theme for sure but i would rather eat in a place where the main attraction is the food itself and not be distracted by sounds or performances of any kind, especially if I am paying a high price for my dinner.

  22. Radairis Pepen says:

    It all depends in the mood I am in. I would definitely try it. I mean personally I love music and I’d love to see their talent while I enjoy my meal. Clearly the restaurant is not know for the best quality in food so why not try other options such as enjoying some live music while grabbing a few drinks or enjoying a dessert when having a sweet tooth craving.

  23. brandyalomar says:

    Honestly, I wouldn’t mind spending that much money on food as long as my taste buds are happy. From what is said in this article, I’m skeptical to eat there but, most likely would try it out myself. The setting and art works look amazing but, I think the seats are too close to each other. Personally, I love music so, I wouldn’t mind the entertainment.

  24. victoria says:

    I dont think i would eat at Machiavelli for two reasons. One the vast menu they have, to me it would make it difficult to decide what to have. And second the live music would make me feel uncomfortable during my visit. I think the musical theme is good because they are some people that would enjoy it and find it unique.

  25. jayfetalino says:

    I’m a fan of Italian food but i would not eat at Machiavelli because of its live music during dinner or sometimes lunch. The foods that they serve are also pricey, but my main concern is their live music. I don’t think i can enjoy spending my time at Machiavelli when i eat at their restaurant because i want to be able to hear what my coworkers/colleagues says; if the music is too loud, how can we understand each other. it is also rude to sing right next to the guest, Moskin writes, “the coloratura soprano who even now is singing into your ear.” If i was the guest, i would be entertained because your in the middle of your meal and you are getting disturbed by a musician.

  26. Sheveen Vassell says:

    Unfortunetly I would not dine at Machiavelli for the simple reason that even though the food is highly priced it doesn’t deserve to be. It is disappointing to read that the dishes that were made to be upscale are the ones with the least flavor. I wouldn’t even imagine spending nearly forty dollars for lamb chops that I bet didn’t taste half as good as the description in the vast menu. As I think about it now, they are probably offering information and music so the guest is distracted from noticing the lack of taste from the food and the price that goes with it.

    However, if in the future they come up with a better tasting menu I would take a visit. I see nothing wrong with looking at information about the restaurant while I enjoy my meal. I feel by doing this they are saying ‘sit back a relax’, just like what we would do when we are reading at home. I wouldn’t mind reading about who the decorator for the restaurant was and who designed the plates that I would see after I have finished my meal. What makes this even better is that while I read a live band is there to help drown out the chitter chatter of the nearby tables. With the playing live music I feel a lot more relaxed as if I was home or welcomed.

  27. christianh says:

    Machiavelli sounds like an interesting place to dine out at. Being someone who is very into art, im interested in the murals, and paintings they have on their walls. The enviornment looks a little uncomfortable, and the fact that i have to hear someone singing while i eat is very distracting. If the music was jazz, or some other kind of instrumentation it would be fine, but singing just takes me away from my meal that i would be trying to enjoy.

    The food is a bit pricy, and as a lover of pizza, i wouldn’t think about spending $14-$18 on a thin crust pizza. Seeing how most of the dishes are not appitizing, i feel Machiavelli distracts customers with music, and art that surrounds them.

  28. I have dined in to a couple of restaurants with live music from the past, but not a fine dining type of a restaurant. I would not dine at the Michiavelli restaurant for few reasons. First, I agree with Tiffany Seirra that the owner of the restaurant should pay more attention on the food they serve, especially with the price they charge to their customers. One thing that makes a customer comes back to dine in a restaurant is the food and the service. Another thing, it mentioned that “Eating at the grandiose Machiavelli is like visiting a museum of Italian food — complete with long-winded exhibition catalogs” plus someone singing into your ear, it’s just too much going on. If I have to pay for an expensive meal, I would rather go somewhere with a romantic ambiance the serves great tasting food with an excellent service!

  29. Deneisha says:

    Just from the picture of the restaurant I was turned off. I would not be able to sit down and enjoy myself in this setting. The restaurant is very distracting. They is to much going in this restaurant. I would pay more attention to whats going on around me versus being able to sit down and eat. Some of the menu items are like quick service foods versus fine dining.

  30. stacyann says:

    I’m a very spontaneous person, so I would eat at Machievlle bceause of the ambiance and the music. There is nothing wrong in exploring new restaurants and styles. Besides, the article did tell you about the delicious meals and dessert that is on the menu. I would like to experience dining out in that fashion. I like Italian food like pasta so I don’t think I would encounter any problems. In fact, I think I would enjoy the experience because I love music and I love to eat. The price is not bad, because you are also paying for the entertainment, even though you didn’t ask for it. It comes with the dining experience. I think the live music entertainment is great.

  31. Zhe Zhuang says:

    I’d like to try the food in Machiavelli. Food there is not cheap, but I think it will be a good experience to know and taste Italian food in a museum of Italian food. Without a doubt, the most important part of a restaurant is food, I believe the good food will attract people like me. The musical theme is not bad for me, but I like the soft and light music and songs, such as classical music. I’m not sure what kind of music they have or they will play different types each day, maybe I should ask before I go there.

  32. imatias89 says:

    I will definitely eat at this restaurant because I like to experience new things and discover new places. From the picture the inside of the restaurant seems as a very antique interior design. The design of the chairs are very different from what I usually see in other restaurants. I noticed that the article states that the food is pricey, but it doesn’t state what is the portion that they give for the price. I wouldn’t mind paying for an expensive dish if it taste good and it will be a new experience. The musical theme and the life music sound very unique. Its an excellent place for music lovers. Its something that makes this restaurant stand out of all the others and I think that is great.

  33. amanda sylvestre says:

    i personally would not eat here at the Machiavelli restaurant but i would definetely visit the restaurant. I would not eat at this restaurant because the way the restaurant reviewer criticed the food, it did not sound appealing at all. I would believe that when the servers deliver your food, the plate presentation would be more significant then the actual food itself. According to the article, this restaurant seems to care more about the appearance then the actual food.
    As far as the musical theme goes, i find it very unique that they play live music as you eat. They even have a musical director, which seems as though they want people to feel relaxed while trying to enjoy their costly meal.

  34. jenny zhu says:

    In my opinion, I will not eat in this restaurant. First of all, when I choose a restaurant to eat out with my friends or family, I will prefer to have a good food first. I would like to enjoy my meals. And I don’t want to watch the people singing in front of me or the music is too loud then bothers me later when I eat. I like to talk to my company. Secondly, the restaurant looks like a museum. I like to eat some place that I feel very comfortable. The place that people will feel more relax.

  35. Beata Mroczka says:

    I would definitely give Machiavelli a try. From what I can see in the pictures it looks like a very beautiful and lavish restaurant and live classical music makes it quite unique. There are not a lot of restaurants where there is live music, and even though I’m not a big fan of music playing while I eat and have a conversation I do believe that once in a while it is good to try something different. I’m a huge fan of Italian food and even though the author mentions that the food is bland he also states that the pasta is very delicious, and if I was going to an Italian restaurant it would not be to eat pork chops but pasta. The author also states that the pasta is made at the restaurant behind the bar by Andrea Fiano which is another unique and great thing because you can actually see the pasta being made. It doesn’t seem to me that there is a huge difference in price from other Italian restaurants. I believe this restaurant is unique with the live music and one of a kind decor and paying a little extra dollars is definitely worth it.

  36. Thanatcha Mudkanchan says:

    Machiavelli seems to be an awesome place for a big fan of live music like me to dine out at. I think the owner, Nathalie de La Fontaine has a good idea of having the soprano singer singing in a restaurant. But i found that it is kind of weird to have her standing and singing the middle of a restaurant. Also, the owner should have paid more attention to the culinary arts so that will help Machiavelli survive on this long-cursed corner.

  37. Magou Camara says:

    I would like to eat at Machiavelli for the simple fact that I love Italian food. What really caught my attention was the fact that the pasta is made on the scene. I’m not a big fan of live music especially at fine dining. I rather spend the time with my guests. Thus, I believe I can look beyond the live music and try somthing different.

  38. yanaira1 says:

    Having lunch at Machiavelli does not sound like a bad idea depending on the mood I am in. I love music and I have experience those type of restaurant before. Plus I love Italian food. People may say it can distract them from enjoying their dinner and they don’t want to deal with the whole experience of live music but why not. People should once in a while experience new adventures and new things. They never know if they might like it until they try it.

  39. Yatta Kamara says:

    I would not eat at the Machiavelli restaurant. It would be overwhelming to eat at the restaurant; my focus would be all over, instead of focusing on my food and chatting with my friends. I really love Italian food, but the menu is too expensive for my budget. I just can’t see myself Paying $20 for pasta.

  40. Natalie Brown says:

    I have never dined at a restaurant with live music playing. The concepts interest me definitely, but from the looks of the review I do not think I would dine at Machiavelli. If I am going to restaurant I want to be able to enjoy my company, food and the whole atmosphere. I can appreciate a restaurant who goes above and beyond to make the decor spectacular but it becomes a problem when the attention is lacking in other areas such as the food. I like the idea of listening to music while eating with company I just do not think that an coloratura soprano is the correct fit.
    If I go to a restaurant i would like to enjoy the food, if I wanted to hear an opera singer I would go see a show.

  41. Nicole says:

    I would eat, but only to see if they really give you all those papers with the menu. I would prefer maybe a tour, or something visual, or even a play. It seems as if the musical aspect of this restaurant takes away from the culinary aspect, and i think it should be more balanced. The food sound interesting, but this isn’t the food i would expect from a restaurant with such a powerful name behind it. I would love to see the music playing i think it would make a very nice ambiance. I will defiantly be going to to see for myself though, it may be very nice.

  42. Emmanuella Kalliangas says:

    As far as the decor and the ambiance of Machiavelli, I think its safe to say that it is every “culture junkies” dream come true. A place that gives you the feeling that you are wining and dining in Rome with the aristocrats, while listening to Italian live music is surely a memorable one. You can say that on paper this establishment has great potential on having the perfect dining experience, but how can you have a five star restaurant when the food is considered bland and over priced at that? Although having said that, I would still love to dine at this restaurant because I cannot place judgement without seeing how it is for myself. Having a huge love affair with the arts, music, and anything remotely close to a culture shock, I don’t see how I can be let down.

  43. Richard Hernandez says:

    I enjoy Italian food; I love their sauces, their cheeses and the pizza. I would be unsure of eating their at first but I think I would give it try. I would most likely not eat there for dinner because I’m not accustomed to eating with live music. I would actually be distracted by it maybe even annoyed so live music would not do it for me. I would stop there for lunch and try their pasta, any pasta would do.

  44. Emmanuella Kalliangas says:

    1. As far as the decor and the ambiance of Machiavelli, I think its safe to say that it is every “culture junkies” dream come true. A place that gives you the feeling that you are wining and dining in Rome with the aristocrats, while listening to Italian live music is surely a memorable one. You can say that on paper this establishment has great potential on having the perfect dining experience, but how can you have a five star restaurant when the food is considered bland and over priced at that? Although having said that, I would still love to dine at this restaurant because I cannot place judgment without seeing how it is for myself. Having a huge love affair with the arts, music, and anything remotely close to a culture shock, I don’t see how I can be let down.

  45. Nadia gellizeau says:

    After reading the review for “Machiavelli” I do not think I would dine at this resturant. I know that with any review you have to take the writers opinion with a grain of salt, because ones opinion might not be the same as your own. But however I would take this review to heart because I wouldn’t want to spend my money on a place that is extremely expensive but the food doesn’t have a high quality taste. I do love the idea of entertainment while I eat, I think that is something different and makes fine dining that more interesting. But if I’m going to a high end resturant and going to pay a high amount for a meal I rather the food be better than the entertainment. If I wanted to eat bland food and have great entertainment I would just go to a music show, where I’m not expecting much of the meal.

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