Concierge Marketing Assignment

For my concierge marketing assignment I chose Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller Center was built by John D. Rockefeller in 1930 but opened in 1933. It was constructed during the Great Depression which helped employ more than 40,000 people in the countries worst years. Rockefeller’s philosophy was to built a ‘city within a city’ and believed art was an act of good citizenship. Rockefeller Center holds many European artists works and is composed of 14 on-site buildings including Radio City Music Hall. It is best known for its famous ice skating rink, illumination of the Christmas tree, and The Top Of The Rock Observatory Deck. It is also known for dog shows, holiday gatherings, art exhibitions, and other anticipated social events. More than 120,000 people visit Rockefeller Center daily; on its own, it would have been the 51st largest city in the U.S..


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