Clinical Skills
During my time in the City Tech Dental Hygiene program, I was able to develop a number of varied skills that will allow me to thrive in my dental hygiene career. Through many hours of training, experience, and practice I am confident in these skills and can’t wait to utilize them in the real world!
- Blood pressure screening
- Head/Neck and Intraoral cancer screening
- Dental exam and periodontal screening
- Exposing, mounting and interpreting radiographs (FMS, PAN, Bitewings)
- Administering local anesthesia (Infiltration)
- Applying Oraqix and topical agents
- Administering Arestin and evaluating pocket depths before and after
- Nitrous Oxide administration
- Deep scaling and root planning with the use of ultrasonic and hand scalers
- Fluoride treatments (Foam, gel, varnish)
- Taking and pouring alginate impressions
- Air polishing and engine polishing
- Periodontal dressing placement and removal
- Placement of sealants using rubber dam and cotton roll isolation
- Using Dentrix and Dentimax computer system