Research Projects

Research Projects


The Service Learning Project allows me to serve in communities (fourth grade students at P.S. 517) where oral health isn’t a priority. I was able to interact with children and present an oral health education program (on caries) that is fit for their needs. The dental hygiene process of care (Assessment, Planning, Intervention, Evaluation) is utilized to create an education program that addresses the concerns of the community.

Silver Diamine Fluoride is gaining popularity, especially in pediatric dental offices.  This presentation allows me to educate on this non-invasive treatment for caries where its pro’s outweigh the con’s.

As a clinician and educator, we must know what is going on not only in the oral cavity but also in the body. The opioid crisis is relevant to many parts of the U.S. and it is important to be aware of the clinical signs of substance abuse and render the treatment accordingly.

This report further increases my knowledge regarding gingival hyperplasia caused by drugs. This is a common condition to see in the clinical field and I am prepared to educate my patient on the cause, prevention and treatment of the condition.

This lab report on isolation of unknown bacteria using gram staining allows me to apply different lab techniques to determine the chemical makeup of a bacterial cell wall. After all information was gathered, I formulated a research paper explaining the process as well as the results of my experiment.