Week 1st

Hi all,

I’ve been working at Symphony Space in Upper West Side of Manhattan. I got the internship in February of 2018 and have been working since. I am one of approximately 20 interns in the site. We have weekly intern meetings on Thursday, all-staff meeting on Monday. There are approximately 70 employees and about 10 departments. I am a part of the marketing department, supervised by the senior designer.

Symphony Space is a non-profit historical performance arts theater established by Isaiah Sheffer and Allan Miller in 1978. Two founders and the theater is known for its first marathon concert, “Wall to Wall: Bach”. It was a 10 hour long concert and eventually became one of the biggest annual even of Symphony Space. This years Wall to Wall event celebrated Leonard Bernstein’s 100th anniversary, and an article about it can be found here:  https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Symphony-Space-Celebrates-40-Years-With-Wall-To-Wall-Leonard-Bernstein-20180510

The theater offers various programs in literature, film, music, and dance. The primary audience is people in all age range. There is a program called, “Just Kidding” which targets children and regular programs targets adults in all age range. Moreover, Symphony Space rents theater space for events. For example, a pianist Klara Min is having her concert in June 26th to celebrate release of her new album. An article can be found here: https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Pianist-Klara-Min-to-Celebrate-Album-Release-at-Symphony-Space-20180530


Thank you for reading.


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