Concierge Marketing Assignment

20% of total course grade

Selection of NYC Attraction is Due Before Class Begins, Week 8

Written Assignment is Week 11, submitted via Blackboard

Presentation with Visual Aids is due Week 11, Submitted via OpenLab



You are the Chief Concierge of an upscale hotel in Manhattan; you will conduct research to learn about a historically significant tourist attraction in New York City. This information will be used when you conduct a team training for your staff.

Identify the hotel where you are the concierge_______________________________________


Consider all that New York has to offer visitors and New Yorkers alike, consider a tourist attraction that has historic significance to the culture of New York; perhaps a museum, an art gallery, a park, a sports arena, a restaurant, monument, festival and so much more. Make a list that contains four historically significant New York tourist attractions and find a resource stating why it is significant.

List Four NYC attractions of interest

_____________________________________            ____________________________________

_____________________________________            ____________________________________

Choose one location to research, write and present about

Chosen NYC Attraction: __________________________________________________________

Academically reliable source: ______________________________________________________


Research 1) what is the attractionā€™s significance to the culture of New York? 2) Why does the author consider it a tourist attraction? 3) what makes the attraction unique?

  1. ________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________________

Ā­ Location Selection (only one student per attraction)

  • Share your chosen tourist attraction on the OpenLab as a comment on the ā€œConciergeā€ page. Include a statement explaining why this site is culturally significant to New York.
  • Include an APA formatted reference

Format of the Submission

Written portion, 2-2Ā½ page essay (10% of total grade)

  • Exhibit the ability to evaluate the importance of the historically significant New York City tourist attraction expressing 1) the attractionā€™s significance to the culture of New York; 2) why the authors of the articles consider it a tourist attraction 3) the unique features that a visitor to the attraction might seek
  • APA format and standards, proper grammar, sentence structure, spellingā€¦
  • Minimum of three academically reliable citations and references

Oral presentation (10% of total grade)

  • The role of the student in this portion of the assingment is that of Chief Concierge who creates a training video for the concierge of their hotel (see page one).
    • Role: Chief Concierge
    • Audience: Members of the hotel staff who report to the Chief Concierge
  • The presentation is 2-2.5 minutes long (it should not be longer or shorter)
  • Content should include
    • Name of historically significant tourism attraction
    • The category of tourism a visitor may engage in at the attraction
    • Special features of the tourism attraction
    • What a visitor should consider about the tourism attraction
    • Transportation, cost, accessibility, food options and/or other important information that a visitor would need to know
    • Conclusion
    • Create a powerpoint or other visual aid to support the information in the video
  • Format
    • Create a video using a mobile devise recording feature or zoom
    • Save the video to YouTube or other sharing platform
    • Change the video privacy setting to ā€œunlistedā€ (this will create more privacy)
    • Create a post on the OpenLab, choose the category ā€œConcierge Presentationā€
      • Write a short introduction
      • Add the link to the video
      • Add the visual aid
    • See Prof. Goodladā€™s sample.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able to:

  • Discuss scope of the hospitality and tourism industry
  • Gather information from observation in regard to the hospitality industry from a local, national and global perspective
  • Evaluate and examine hotel classifications
  • Engage in high impact and industry specific written and oral communication