Create a wordmark for your product. A wordmark or word mark is a distinct text-only typographic treatment of the name of a product, service, company, or organization.

Start by picking a distinctive typeface that goes with your concept and mood board. Explore the following foundries:


Grilli Type


Type Type

Do not use system fonts. Look for display typefaces. Avoid Humanist San Serif typefaces. In Adobe Illustrator write your product name in the typeface that fits your product best. Try several options. Once you have one you like, adjust the kerning on your word mark. Then, outline the type and make any further adjustments to the type in Illustrator.

See below for more information.


  • Due Date: 2/27
  • Format: .ai
  • COLOR: RGB color space, black (for now)
  • Size: around 600 pixels x 250 pixels


I will be grading your project with this in mind:

  • Fit with concept
  • Obscurity of typeface (not a system font)

