Research different advertising platforms. Include both print and digital platforms in your research. Some types of advertising include magazines, newspapers, Google Display ads, SMS, Email Blasts, billboards, “wild” posters, or other large-format OOH (“out of home”) platforms. Write up your research into a 1–2 page report with recommendations for digital and one print ad type. Include both the “what” size and where it will appear, as well as the “why” this platform is best for the brand.

Create a print advertisement based on the brand guidelines you received from your creative director and your research. Create your layout in InDesign. It should include the following:

  • Wordmark
  • Hero Image

You can also include a tagline, CTA (short for call to action like “call now!”), website, address, and additional images or copy as you see fit. Use Chat GPT as your copywriter if you want additional copy.


  • Due Date: 11/19
  • Format: 1 page report, PDF of print ad
  • COLOR: CMYK color space
  • Size: TBD based on channel research/specs


I will be grading your project with this in mind:

  • Adheres to the style guide
  • The channel is appropriate for the brand
  • The ad effectively communicates its message




Vanity Fair Print Ad Specs

New York Times Print Advertising

Daily News Print Ad Specs