Create a hero image based on your partner’s mood board. The objective of a hero image is to sell the product. It does not need to show the product. It should show a vibe or lifestyle that goes along with the concept of the moodboard. As the “hero” image, it will be the main image of the campaign.

The Hero image can be a photograph, illustration, collage, painting, digital art, or AI-generated image. It needs to look like it would belong on your partner’s mood board. If you make an illustration, scan it in the lab, or take a photo outside in daylight.

This is your chance to go to full art school. You are the “artist” (photographer or illustrator). Your job is to come up with something original. Recruit your friends to be models (make them sign a waiver). Play with different materials and props. The “Art Director” (i.e., moodboard creator)’s job is to make sure it fits with the concept.

Meet with your partner for at least 20 minutes to brief each other on what you want. Art directors may want to coordinate with their partners to be “on set” for any photo shoots or to see sketches.

See below for more information.


  • Due Date: 10/1
  • Single Image or a handful of selects
  • Format: .psd, .tiff, .raw, .heic, .ai, .eps, .svg
  • COLOR: RGB color space
  • Size: bigger is better; full resolution of the biggest camera you can get. If scanning artwork, at least 300 dpi, but 600 is probably better. Use 24-bit graphics, etc.


I will be grading your project with this in mind:

  • Originality
  • Effort
  • Adherence to the art direction


Jo Malone London

IW Harper