Grade Allocation
30% Attendance & Participation
20% Logo & Style Guide
15% Layouts (ad, homepage, infographic)
5% Video Project
30% OpenLab ePortfolio Site
Upload homework to the Student Work folder on our class Microsoft OneDrive. Please create a folder with you name and save all files there. Readings and lectures are in the Class Admin folder
Attendance Policy
The COMD BFA and AAS degrees are design studio programs. In-class
laboratory activities and engagement with other students is a significant
portion of the courses. This means attendance is crucial. Learning in this class is hands-on to replicate real-world scenarios and build skills through spending time in professional design software or “time in program.” In-person instruction and critique are fundamental to the class. Moreover, the lessons are sequential—they build upon each other. If you are not in class, it requires significantly more effort to get caught up.
Moreover, tardiness and absences affect not just your grade but also your fellow student’s learning environment. They are investing significant time and money to achieve the learning objectives. As adults and soon-to-be professionals, it’s incumbent upon you to make it to class.
Absences of more than 10% of the total class hours may result in a 10% drop in your grade. This may be in addition to other penalties that will be imposed for failure to complete in-class academic requirements. Missing more than 25% of total class meetings will not be permitted and will likely lead to a failing grade or your withdrawal from the class by the instructor.
That said, life happens. If you anticipate missing a class or do miss a class, please email the instructor. If you miss several classes, please arrange to meet during office hours or through a virtual meeting to discuss options. No matter what its better to communicate.
Our class’s grade book will be on Blackboard. If you have any questions about any of your grades, please email me.
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