Assemble your work for the class so far into a single style guide. It should include a cover page, your moodboard + concept description, wordmark, typeface, color palette, and a photography page with your hero image (labeled) and 1–3 supporting images from the photoshoot or Unsplash. Each of these elements should have its own page that is clearly labeled with what it is. The wordmark page should show the primary wordmark and any additional color versions acceptable for use (less is more). The typeface should show the type to use for headlines and body copy. Utilize the brand elements, including the colors and typeface, to build the guide.

Be prepared to present your concept and style guide next class. Explain your concept and why you made the choices you did. Treat this like pitching your concept to a client or creative director. You will present your concept in front of class.


  • Due Date: 10/29
  • Format: PDF + 5 minute presentation
  • COLOR: RGB color space
  • Size: optional


I will be grading your project with this in mind:

  • Completeness
  • Usability



