It’s hard to gauge how much effort students are putting into the course. Grades have been very low, but it may be partly due to difficulties students are having recalling their Calculus I material. In any case, the material for the 2nd half of the course is conceptually more difficulty than the first half. I plead with those who stay to leave behind any embarrassment that they may have about asking questions and in general demanding attention on my part. I have begun to work in more places in the slides for exercises immediately after we cover a theorem or definition, so that some of the material can sink in during class. That said, it is only if you put in many hours (8-16 hours per week) outside of class before you will be able to say that you have mastered the material. A further reminder to take advantage of the tutoring that is available.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Introducing Kyle Brunson
Hi, my name is Kyle, I’m an Emerging Media Technologies major. I became interested in this major because it provides me with classes in coding that have more of a focus on areas I’m interested in. Areas like interactive media, and video game design. After Calculus 2, I’ll have to take statistics. After I graduate from City Tech, I hope to be working in the gaming industry. Although, I’m not sure what aspect I’d like to be involved in just yet. I hope to get a better understanding of Calculus, and a hobby I enjoy is watching, and playing sports.
Jasmine Leal
Hi, my name is Jasmine Leal and I am majoring in Liberal Arts & Science. Calculus 2 will be my last and final class for graduation (a requirement). I was previously studying biomedical informatics as a pre-med option but changed half way because I want to pursue photography as a career. Photography started out as a hobby at first but now it’s a long term goal as a pursuit. Other interest I have is watching films, painting, reading novels, and learning languages and different cultures (for example I am currently learning Japanese). Even though I am pursuing a career path that mainly revolves around art making, math is challenging for me and so math in a way,; even though not applied when it comes to photography it builds mental discipline by analyzing and solving math problems.