Author Archives: Trishana

Final Post


My overall experience in this class made me realized how important statistics with probability is and how it can apply to my studies. As a biomedical informatics major, we have to use statistics and different types of programs to read and analyze data. The R program, although it was challenging, helped me in so many ways especially in my programming for biologist class. At one point in our class, we had to analyze DNA sequences to extract RNA sequence from a DNA template. So, the R commands can be used to make a lot of calculations and graphing. Although, I focused on a lot of python codes in some way or form the R codes triggered a recollection of python commands because of the similarities between the two programs. For example, to do a simple calculation in R such as >  x <- c ( 6, 2, 9, 3, 12, 5, 11) \n  > mean (x)  6.85 … although you can create a vector and call it in two commands, python allows you to do the same but adding a few more steps. If you were to find the mean using the above data you’ll have to create a variable using the data above. Then import x = statistics.mean(place_variable) then print (x). Printing “x” would allow you to find the mean. So, R is more easier and user friendly compare to python and that was one thing I admired about this class.

By Javana


Hello! My name is Javana Smith. I am currently a senior at New York City College Of Technology. My major is Medical Informatics. I chose this major as a prerequisite for physical therapy school because NYC College of Technology doesn’t have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences program. My desire is to become a physical therapist because I enjoy watching and playing all different types of sports. Hopefully, one day I’ll work for the NFL or national Olympics team.

Statistics with probability is always important in healthcare. It is crucial for research, patients evaluation, health insurer and pharmaceutical companies. For example, a medical informatician would have to store, analyze and manage a mass number of data to improve the healthcare system.