Author Archives: Omkar

Final Post

The topics that were taught in this course will be crucial in my academic journey ahead as well as my career. Analyzing data, predicting outcomes and noticing correlations are important tools that I will need in my field.

Graph in the newspaper

Omkar Chandarpal


Original article:


The iphone was the first phone that was capable enough to act as a substitute for a computer. Every year since its release, increasingly more people become iphone owners. The iphone is Apple’s best selling product. People have been using cellphones more and landlines less, they also spend more time on their cellphones.


This graph shows how increasingly more people become smart phone owners over the years.

Edit: Change after reading comment.



Introduction: Omkar Chandarpal

My name is Omkar Chandarpal. My major is Electrical Engineering Technology. I chose this major because I have always been curious about how electronic devices such as computers and cellphones work.

I love to travel. Niagara Falls, Ontario and Cape Elizabeth, Maine have been two of the most beautiful places I have visited so far.

Statistics is crucial in engineering especially in product design. Statistical data is one of the factors that help engineers to finalize products before production begins.