The Happiest States of America


The article entitled, “ The Happiest States of America”, by Catherine Rampell, discusses the report by Gallup-Health ways Well-Being Index. This report attempts to “measure what it is that people believe constitutes a good life, who is feeling good about life and who is in need of a helping hand.”

The target population is the United States and the research variables used in this report is state’s median household income and well-being in each states. We expect a positive correlation and predict it will be strong. We predict this because the trend line illustrates a strong positive correlation between the two measures of state’s median household income and well-being in each state.

Additionally, the article states, the index used by the report is broken down into six smaller sub-indices: life, evaluation, emotional health, physical health, healthy behavior, work environment and basic access. The report does not really state whether a US state is happier if they are wealthier or whether people feel better living in a rural area  or if they feel happier living in a city. The report stated that Utah is the happiest US State on the Well-being Index  and  West Virginia is the worst on the Gallup-Health ways Well-Being Index.

We obtained the data from the following website:

 The New York Times – Economix section


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