Hello, my dears! Today, you don’t have to come to class. However, I will be in our classroom from 11:30-12:45 to pick up revisions, and just say hi if you feel like it! I will be emailing you comments on your music papers.
There is actually a feature on OpenLab where you can see your grades for each paper. When you log on to our site, go to “dashboard” and then go to “OpenLab Gradebook.” Your grades are posted there. I will post your final grade there as well. These grades are due on Dec 28th, but I’m hoping to have them in before then.
Most importantly, you were my first class at City Tech, and such a great class! I’m sort of sad we didn’t have a final day of class to hang out and say goodbye, but I also know your time is really precious right now. You can always email me (chall@citytech.cuny.edu) or come visit me in my office (Namm 525.) I’ll miss you!