Work, Language and Identity (351)

Author: Carrie Hall (Page 1 of 3)

Wednesday, Dec 19!

Hello, my dears! Today, you don’t have to come to class. However, I will be in our classroom from 11:30-12:45 to pick up revisions, and just say hi if you feel like it! I will be emailing you comments on your music papers.

There is actually a feature on OpenLab where you can see your grades for each paper. When you log on to our site, go to “dashboard” and then go to “OpenLab Gradebook.”  Your grades are posted there. I will post your final grade there as well. These grades are due on Dec 28th, but I’m hoping to have them in before then.

Most importantly, you were my first class at City Tech, and such a great class! I’m sort of sad we didn’t have a final day of class to hang out and say goodbye, but I also know your time is really precious right now. You can always email me ( or come visit me in my office (Namm 525.) I’ll miss you!


Hello, everyone. Just a reminder that there is an exam on Monday during class time!


  1. Be on time! 20 minutes late is absent—and absent is failing. And if you fail this exam, you fail this class.
  2. You can listen to music if that helps you focus, BUT I can’t let you guys mess around on your phones for obvious reasons, so all phones must be face down by 11:35 and must remain face down until you have turned in your exam. You cannot mess with your phone during the exam for any reason.
  3. You may bring: the article, your triple entry journal (only the form I gave you,) and the “They Say/ I Say” handout on quotation. The triple entry journal form is attached at the bottom of this entry.
  4. Remember, the exam is on the article on Uber drivers, NOT on ADHD.

How should you prepare? Well, I suggest you:

  1. Read and annotate the text, more than once!
  2. Think of what essay questions might be asked (Hint: they will all involve the text, the reader and the world outside the text)
  3. Write a sample thesis or two– remember you will probably be able to tweak your thesis a bit in order to fit the question!
  4. Find key quotes– then summarize and analyze them. You can do this on the triple-entry journal worksheet.
  5. Think of scenes or situations you have been in or you know about that relate to the article.

Suggestions for writing:

  1. Pick a question (quickly! Which one do you have more to say about?)
  2. Write a DRAFT thesis.
  3. Brainstorm some Points and Information (again, quickly) to back up your thesis.
  4. Revise your thesis to fit the points in #3.
  5. Write a very brief outline, if that is useful to you. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT SPEND TOO MUCH TIME PLANNING!
  6. WRITE
  7. Make sure to leave at least 6-7 minutes for proofreading!

I will be grading you on:

  1. The strength of your argument, or your “So What?” Do you have anything to say or are you just repeating the article back to me?
  2. Your organization. (PIE is one way to think about this. Also, don’t forget your intro and conclusion!)
  3. Your “you!” I want to know why you have chosen the quotes you have, what experiences you have or know about that relate to the argument you are making.
  4. Concrete, significant detail
  5. I grade grammar less harshly than in take-home papers, but it is still a factor. I still have to be able to make sense of what you are saying!
  6. Citation.

Here is the triple-entry journal:



For Monday- Papers are Due, my dears!

Hi Everybody! Your papers are due on Monday, Dec 10. Remember– start with the action!

Also remember that on Wednesday, Dec 12, I’ll be handing out the reading for the final and the final is on Monday, Dec 17.

The assignment is posted approx one million times below– please read it!! Also, please post it online AND bring a paper copy to class. Please include a copy of your artwork (song, video, painting) etc… in the online version if possible, so that I can see or hear the art you’re talking about. We will be doing some stuff with the hard copy in class on Monday, so you do need a paper copy.

Below is a “cheat sheet” for in-text citation. Please take a look!



Hi everyone! Here are some important dates:

Dec 10: “Writing About Art” paper due at beginning of class. You will post it online, but you will also bring a copy of the paper to class.


DEC 17: FINAL EXAM Please remember, this exam is REQUIRED.  The final is 10% of your grade, BUT if you fail the final, you fail the class. That said, quite honestly, I really don’t feel anybody in this class is in danger of failing the final UNLESS YOU DO NOT SHOW UP.

THERE IS NO MAKEUP FINAL UNLESS YOU HAVE A VERIFIABLE DOCTOR’S NOTE, COURT ORDER, ETC… No word-of-mouth excuses will do in this case. I’m sorry, but this is school policy.

DEC 19: Optional revisions due. If you want to revise one any of your papers for a better grade, you are welcome to do so. Also, please feel free to come see me to talk about revisions if you like.

For Monday: Rough Draft!

Hey everyone– for Monday, please bring in TWO PRINTED COPIES of your rough draft! This should beat least  the first 400 words of your essay on art. The assignment sheet is re-posted below.

remember, you can write on a piece of art of your own choosing, and you can write in a genre of your choosing. Some of the genres we’ve discussed are:

  1. The  review (This tells readers your opinion on the artwork, and whether they should see it/ listen to it/ watch it OR –importantly– think about it in a new way!)
  2. The personal essay (This tells readers about your own experience with the art or artist. It ALSO should be important to your readers in some way!)
  3. The informative or analysis essay (This tells the reader more about the artwork, and looks more deeply at a certain aspect of it–examining the lyrics, or the background of a video, for example.)
  4. The argument essay (This takes a stance, not just on the artwork, but on a greater societal issue in which the artwork plays a part, such as the article about “This is America” being the new face of protest music.)

PLEASE NOTE! There can definitely be overlap!!! You might talk about your personal experience and then suggest your readers listen to Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue or you might argue that music these days is completely apathetic about political issues and make that argument by analyzing lyrics of a few contemporary songs, but you will be MORE in one genre of essay than the others.

Do one goal at a time (3)

For Weds (and some info about the assignment)

Hey everyone– if you missed weds class, please see the assignment sheet below! It describes the final paper. Please note, I have changed the final deadline– it’s due Dec 10th now!

I know there’s been some confusion about what I am asking you to do. Here’s the deal: pick a piece of art (a song, a video, a painting, a story) that is important to you, that has moved you in some way. Eventually, you will write a paper on it– you don’t have to decide exactly what you are going to do yet. But today in class, we talked about genres of writing about art: personal essays, essays that argue a point (“This is America is the New Face of Protest Music”) Video Essays, even Science-y essays (the one about mirror neurons and dancing.) You can write in any of these genres. If you DO write a personal essay, as Abdurraquib did, remember that you want it to be interesting to your audience, not just to yourself!

I told you we were going to do a concrete scene for homework, but I misspoke. We’ll do that in class on Weds. For homework, I’d like you to fill out the SOAPSTone worksheet (below) about your piece of art. This means you need to choose your artwork!!

Who is the SPEAKER_ What do we know about this person_ How do we know it_


For Monday

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. For Monday, please print out , read and annotate the following two articles. READ BOTH!! Please also write, in your journals, a response of at least 250 words (total.) This response can be whatever you like: a difficulty paper, a poem, just your thoughts. You can write about what you like or don’t like about Hanif’s writing style, what you’re inspired by, whatever.

Abdurraquib Article One (Kendrick)

Abdurraquib Article Two (Zayn Malik)

Papers due Mon: How to post them!

Hi! To post your papers for this class, you will do so by adding a post to the website. I’ve made a quick video explaining how to do this HERE. Below, there are also links that explain the same process if my video doesn’t make sense to you. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE YOURSELF SOME TIME TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO POST YOUR PAPER PROPERLY!!!


If you want to write a Word Document with images and publish that, you may do so, but you will need to save it as a Pdf and upload it the same way you add an image in “add media.”  It may not initially look like you’ve uploaded the pdf properly on the draft if you choose this option. Publish it and check the website before you panic that it’s not working! Gifs and videos will not actually move if you choose this option! 

  • Be posted on this website BEFORE CLASS BEGINS ON MONDAY. After that, they will be considered late.
  • Include at least two images (gifs or videos count)
  • Have proper in-text citation (look up “in-text citation MLA” on the Purdue OWL.) AND have a works cited page, which you can easily make on
  • Have at least 30% new material.
  • It must be clear (preferrably at the top) what publication you’re writing for.
  • For all other guidelines, see the actual assignment sheet (posted below.)

Here are the Open Lab instructions for writing a post and attaching images.



Revisions and Conferences!!

Hi everyone! Remember that revisions are due MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH!! In preparation for those revisions, everyone will be meeting with me in one-on-one conferences in my office in Namm 525. To get there, get off the elevator on the 5th floor. You’ll see some vending machines, past which is a small hallway. Go through that small hallway and take a left, where you will find…DR. CARRIE HALL!!!

Please come prepared– know which essay you intend to revise and fill out ThisWorksheet. Bring this worksheet, along with ALL major essays with my comments to the conference.

Please note: the closer to the day of the revision it is, the further along you ought to be on your revision!

THERE WILL BE NO CLASSES ON WEDS, NOV 14TH TO MAKE TIME FOR CONFERENCES!  BE A FEW MINUTES EARLY! Do not miss your conference. These are required and I have over 40 of them. I literally cannot reschedule, and you missing it is a real hassle for me and will bring your grade down (and you won’t know what it is I’m looking for.)

  • Wednesday

  • 10:00 Giovanni
  • 10:20 Brad
  • 10:40 Muhammad Abdullah
  • 11:00 Jonathan
  • 11:20 Kelvin
  • 12:00 Angelica
  • 12:20 Andy
  • 12:40 Nagm

  • Thursday

  • 10:00 (open)
  • 10:20 Sonia
  • 10:40 Lashira
  • 11:00 Cloyde
  • 12:00 Albert
  • 12:20 Ignito
  • 2:20 Carlton
  • 2:40 Hadassah
  • 3:00 (open)
  • 3:20 (open)
  • 3:40 (open)
  • 4:00 (open)
  • 4:20 (open)
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