

color as light, mood, place

color as light, mood, place

draw a comfortable room, in nature-season, temperature light-time of day, night life. The first picture I use blue to symbolize sky at night. The green symbolize grass land. The violet symbolize river. Dark color means night camp. The second picture, I use bubbles means in the bathroom.
In the third picture, I use light color means sunlight, I use red and yellow two warm color mean it is warm.

same color looks different depending on surrounding colors

same color looks different depending on surrounding colors

I put pink color between yellow and blue. pink color looks different.
In the other picture, these color look cool and warm in color contrast.

illustration, image related graphic, concept graphic and arbitrary graphic

illustration, image related graphic, concept graphic and arbitrary graphic

in this visual symbols, I draw the hornet to explain it. The illustration hornet change to image related graphic, then change to concept related graphic, finally become the arbitrary graphic

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