MTEC 3140 – Topics & Perspectives in Emerging Technology

active 3 years, 9 months ago
MTEC 3140 – Topics & Perspectives in Emerging Technology
This Course is OPEN.
Entertainment Technology
Course Code
MTEC 3140
Semester / Year
Fall 2020
Course Description

This course is about understanding our role in both the propagation and dismantling of societal values through media production and consumption. It is also about recognizing the power and responsibility we each have as creators and consumers of media and technology to make sure we are building the future that aligns with the world we want to see.


This course was created by: Dr. Heidi Boisvert

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Brian Livingston MTEC 3140 9/10/20 How does diversity impact the work (products) that you […] See MoreComment on "Assignment due 9/10 – midnight"

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