Living Lab General Education Seminar

active 4 years, 5 months ago
Living Lab General Education Seminar
This Project is OPEN.
School / Office
Arts & Sciences, Professional Studies, Technology & Design
Project Description

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Information Literacies into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.


This project was created by: Prof. Karen Goodlad

Recent Posts

A Talk by Sandra McQuire

Though we have not used McGuire's text in our seminar she is a leader in metacognition and her […] See MoreA Talk by Sandra McQuire

Industry City - Personal Reflection

How much did you know about the subject before we started? I had only heard about Industry City […] See MoreIndustry City - Personal Reflection

It all Starts with a Question...

I came across this article and thought I wold share it. Does anyone use reflection in class on a […] See MoreIt all Starts with a Question...

Recent Comments

Comment on "Personal Reflection"

Hello All - Towards the end of our discussion a couple of Saturdays ago, I referred to Robert […] See MoreComment on "Personal Reflection"

Comment on "It all Starts with a Question…"

How much did you know about the subject before we started? I had heard of Industry City, but […] See MoreComment on "It all Starts with a Question…"

Comment on "It all Starts with a Question…"

I'm a writing professor (and one who has published on reflection), so I do a lot of reflective […] See MoreComment on "It all Starts with a Question…"

Recent Discussions

3 Rules to Spark Learning

As an adjunct clinical instructor I try to help my students connect the dots from what is learned in the classroom to hands on practice in clinic. An orienting response is sparked when they see how- what they have learned in class, plays […] See More3 Rules to Spark Learning

Considerations of Ethical Reasoning in our Courses and Through Open Pedagogy

I agree with Prof Jieun Yang on the importance of reflection and collaboration in the process of exploring ethical reasoning. Reflection can clarify issues and individual points-of-view. When collaboration and discussion are brought in to […] See MoreConsiderations of Ethical Reasoning in our Courses and Through Open Pedagogy

If my students are information literate….

Feb 26 - Open Pedagogy - Post it notes If my students are information literate ……. 1. Develop new, effective systems 2. Students can find (know that they should look for) information that challenges the thesis/ideas pre […] See MoreIf my students are information literate….

Recent Docs

Spring 2017 Small Group Meetings

To arrange a meeting to review your enhanced student hand out and activity template add your name to the right of the times listed below. Two faculty members per meeting time is optimum. All meetings will take place in my office, N200. I am l See MoreSpring 2017 Small Group Meetings