GRA 2330 Digital Photography

active 10 years, 2 months ago
GRA 2330 Digital Photography
This Course is OPEN.
Communication Design
Course Code
GRA 2330
Semester / Year
Spring 2014
Course Description

This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. Students will develop visual literacy as well as framing and compositional skills. Students will become acquainted with a wide range of contemporary photographers and gain an understanding of how photographic style transforms subject matter into meaning. Using professional lighting equipment and cameras, the student will gain hands-on experience capturing digital images in the studio as well as on location. Students will also learn professional methods and software to manage, process and print digital images.


This course was created by: rmichals

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Comment on "Class Trip"

well written. I am surprised that you are the only student who wrote about Leibling. His work is […] See MoreComment on "Class Trip"

Comment on "Gallery Report"

You write well and describe the photographs effectively. Almost no one in the class liked the Todd […] See MoreComment on "Gallery Report"

Comment on "Gallery Report"

Perceptively observed. As you remark in your comments about the Nancy Burson show, digital […] See MoreComment on "Gallery Report"

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