English 1101Co Mon/Wed

active 2 years ago
English 1101Co Mon/Wed
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Course Description

Composition 1 + Coreq


This course was created by: Caroline Chamberlin Hellman

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Dear Students, I hope that you are having a good semester. I'm reviving our Openlab site just […] See MoreCity Tech Food Pantry: All Students Welcome

Week 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE!  Stay in touch! ALL FINAL WORK for the class is due DECEMBER […] See MoreWeek 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)

Fill in your name, topic, and genre for Unit 3 (due 12/3)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/19_vwiGYANMidIFwX17hyDWri9z1uqIATjAm1W7EB9fA/edit See MoreFill in your name, topic, and genre for Unit 3 (due 12/3)

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Comment on "Week 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)"

As a reader I’ve learned how to develop my critical thinking skills. With various articles, p […] See MoreComment on "Week 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)"

Comment on "Week 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)"

This semester as a reader I got familiar with different genres and their purposes. I used to read […] See MoreComment on "Week 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)"

Comment on "Weeks 15, 16: Unit 3 Due 12/10"

1. Correal starts by finding an album that had been put out with the trash and ends by how the […] See MoreComment on "Weeks 15, 16: Unit 3 Due 12/10"

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