ENG 2003 Introduction to Poetry D535 Fall 2018

active 5 years, 9 months ago
ENG 2003 Introduction to Poetry D535 Fall 2018
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
ENG 2003
Semester / Year
Fall 2018
Course Description

Reading poetry is like being a detective. Sights and sounds work together to enhance meaning and create ambiguity. Students will work in small groups, individually, through research, and presentations to understand the variety of poetic forms available to poets. We will examine the choices a poet makes, and consider why he or she makes them. We will also discuss the value of poetry in today’s world.


This course was created by: Nina Bannett

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Comment on "My Thoughts on Spoken Word Poetry"

I didn't know much about spoken word poetry until I decided to teach this course. I appreciate it […] See MoreComment on "My Thoughts on Spoken Word Poetry"

Comment on "My Thoughts on Spoken Word Poetry"

I didn't know much about spoken word poetry until I decided to teach this course. I appreciate it […] See MoreComment on "My Thoughts on Spoken Word Poetry"

Comment on "My Thoughts on Spoken Word Poetry"

Yea, I basically mentioned the same thing, without spoken word there most likely wouldn't really […] See MoreComment on "My Thoughts on Spoken Word Poetry"

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