
active 10 months ago
This Course is OPEN.
Communication Design
Course Code
COMD 3412
Semester / Year
Fall 2021
Course Description

Focusing on creative problem-solving. Learning package technology and development, structural packaging, materials, environmental responsibility, typography, brand development, marketing, and the business aspects of the package industry.


This course was created by: Maria Paula Rennis

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Recent Comments

Comment on "File Naming Instructions"

nah this teacher is someone i wouldnt recommend she is bullsh*t See MoreComment on "File Naming Instructions"

Comment on "Sketches|Concepts"

All of this looks pretty good, because it seems like you put some pretty decent composition and […] See MoreComment on "Sketches|Concepts"

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I love the way you used the B and W to express the name bewitched See MoreComment on "Project 3: Develop"