ADV1100 Graphic Design Principles 1

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  • Class 7: End of Class Mash Up Sketches
  • #12812

    Jenna Spevack

    After completing the Class 7 Lecture and Lab:

    Post your work in progress here at the end of class (5pm)



    I dunno… which one should I use…


    Jenna Spevack

    Jeddy: Where is your grid?

    Please go through the lecture and review the past student examples. You will want to fully develop your patterns and work with the grid to create a unified comp. What I see here is an illustration using a number of patterns– not the goal, but a good experiment. I suggest restricting the number of pieces to 1 or 2 staccato and 1 or 2 legato — fully develop them (ie: color them in) and then rotate, resize, flip and repeat these pieces to create a mashup.


    I feel like I work like a turtle x___x I’m pretty partial to the first one, even though I’d like to hear how exactly I did with all 3…. Probably gonna stick to the first one in terms of the swirly candy cane looking things though, I love the image they make! :3



    professor, i have an emergency and i need to leave…. i’ll post my work anyways..



    How is this? Trying to make them connect somehow, not sure if I’m getting what I want. x_x



    Wow…so thats what you mean…


    Jenna Spevack

    Great start Vicky!

    I’d agree that the first is strongest, but that might be because it’s the one that is more developed (ie: you’ve filled in the pattern pieces a bit more). I would continue to work on the other two — fleshing them out more.

    2. the three large boxes in this grid are too overpowering and fight with each other. This grid is not balanced. Change the contents or vary the size of the grid boxes.

    3. here the same issue. Vary the scale of the patterns. Make some tiny tiny and other huge. Or, lighten up some — light airy patterns next to heavy ones to create contrast.

    With all of these think about your focal point. Where do you want the viewer to look first and then second and then third, etc. How should the eye move around the page?


    Jenna Spevack

    Great start Julio! Hope everything is okay.


    I only finished one of them but i drew the grid structure for the other two..


    Jenna Spevack

    Nice grids Wanda! Your first try is too busy. Less is more. =) I suggest mixing complicated patterns with simple patterns and reduce the number of patterns down to 1 or 2 each of staccato and legato. Then rotate, resize, reflect, and repeat to create a unified composition.


    Jenna Spevack

    Looks good Mario! You need to flesh out the patterns a bit more, before doing the mashup. If they all have the same line weight there will be no focal point. See some of my comments above to Vicky and Wanda. Great start!


    My piece is subject to change,i just wanted to post something before class was over to show i was here putting some thought ,emphasis and time into it.I kind of took some idea’s from the examples given from the model display.I believe i can come up with something better than what i have now



    Here’s my grid that I have been working on. Still a work in progress


    Ryan Samaroo

    Here is what I have for a start

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