For this project, I was trying to find as many intricate ad interesting patterns as I could find while I was attempting to trace them. I wanted things that conveyed visual texture and intricate patterns. Some of my charcoal rubbings came from floor tiles, the floor number next to an elevator, the small intricate dots on a smoke alarm and a drainage cover on the floor in a classroom.


Once  I was able to see my designs well, Itook the tracing paper and traced t several times i order to make sure I’d get a good color payoff/

DEVELOP: Tracing my art work with the charcoal pencil delivered nice color payoff until I realized I had to color it with the black marker. Some of the textured parts that were displayed with greyscale tones through the charcoal had to be sacrificed as I colored it in. The black marker made me feel like I was filling my artwork with a really heavy, dark fill. I ahd to get rid of some of the intricate details I had




DELIVER: in the end, when I compared my sketches to my final work, I wished that I had been able to choose nicer texture that would’ve been easier to fill/replicate. Tracing the patterns of cross-stitched metal, or geometric diamond patterns, is very hard to replicate that symmetry. I liked my “1” with the star that I found from the elevator and the diamond pattern found on the drainage cover from the floor. I wish i’d chosen simpler patterns that I could’ve duplicated easier in terms of sketching and tracing them so when I did my clean line work, it could’ve been very precise and geometric.