Discover: To have an idea in how to make my personal flag. I had to think and sketch each area in what I was going to investigate in Pictograms, Hieroglyphs, Logo Designs. When I already had the idea and saw the examples I thought about nature. I started doing a mind map of each category, and then I combine each negative logo and made them into positive logos as you can see in each example.

Define: I had already had my ideas, of my interest and my personality. As you can see in my mind map, I drew a microphone to represent the microphone and a music not. Then I drew a tree, flowers and waves to represent the nature. Then my ideas went flowing because not only that represents me. I also thought about meditation, dance, walking, and baking.

Illustration: Shapes, pictograms, symbols or logos.

In this part I had to develop negative/ and positive figures to be able to do my design for the flag and find complementary colors for the design, I choose for my personal flag.

When I had the idea already I did 4 thumbnails first I had the idea of using the hat of a baker to present me and the tools that we use in a bakery.

I use the shape a rhombus shape for the hat.

I use different types of colors that I had in mind and those colors are;

Fushia, Light Blue, a orange color, a hot red, dark pink and a light pink. Yellow, brown, white.

First versions of my personal Flg

Version one from a form of a pyramid it came into a cake in the form of squares as you can see in the imagine with the baking hat.

Develop: In my development process I had a few ideas. Example one of the cake.

Like I said firstly my idea was going to be a baking hat with flowers and baking tools. In the final seconds and ideas that I went through I decided to stick to a cake. The cake not only represent what Iike to do also it represents what kind of colors that I like.

Example two of my flag two:

After having the idea of the personal baking hat, I had the idea of a baking machine. I thought it was a good idea because when you use a lot of tools in a cake and you mix ingredients in the machine, there goes your personality and the way you dress and the way your actions you have. I decided to chose it another option.

In the beginning my flag was going to be like you see in the first imagine but I decided to make another one with the same colors.

If you can see the cake a change it a little bit and decided to change the baking hat to a cupcake, as you can see in the imagine at the side there are shapes. those shapes were from another example of a cake that did not look like one.

Lastly final product cake

Finally, in this is the cake I decided to stay with, I like it because it represents me as a simple and gentle person. I do not like things that are too exaggerated. I like light colors and a little dark one. I like to dress simple and a little fancy, maybe not with high class clothing. I like to dress simple but modest. Not only that my personality can be a little shy, but it can be bright too with a big smile that represents the decorative top of my cake sometimes I can be smiling or sad. The cake has all the elements that describes me as a person, I chose it because I like baking and I consider myself as a sweet and nice person too. I decided to put a dog because I love animals and pink color because I like how the color pink of the background and it matches my color of my skin.