To start the discovery process for this project, we started with brainstorming ideas using images such as pictograms, hieroglyphics, logo designs and/or flag designs. I did my own sketches by picking 3 small sketches. For this I chose 3 pictograms, 3 logo designs, and 3 Flagg designs to create the following designs based of what made sense to me. 

For the define stage, I drew a mind map to define personal ideation by analyzing personal interests, and make individual sketches for said interests. Then picking one idea, and refine it. 

For the develop stage, and with the use of Adobe illustrator, I start to sketch and trace the first two designs I have in mind. One being a re-design of a light stick that is often used in Kpop concerts, followed by elements that I personally adore. This is a music genre takes me back to my teenage years, in where music became an escape of my own reality. The color purple, usually described to be the color of my aura which is associated with strongly associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and a connection to the spiritual realms. The moon phase tends to signify the growth of an individual. 

For the develop stage, here there are two versions: One is a darker version of  the light stick with a light background to complement it. Then, I created another version using the same colors as the other background. And, using a darker background to complement the light stick. I decided to keep the same color theme, and add gradient to see and figure out which color and tone would fit best.

Final Design:

Alternative Design: