
discovery phase of project 2


12 sqaures of define


refining phase of project


definition stage of project


the two concepts that I chose was circus and power. In my creation process, I eventually merged the two concepts into one, coming up with this pseudo theatrical, almost house pf illusions concept. I though that curiosity drives people to deeply reflect on their morals, identity and beliefs so profoundly to the point where you may feel disillusioned and distraught by the elements around you, like a house of illusions. I was also inspired by American Horror Story, and decided to implement aspects of theatre with the king (power), the faceless fates from mythology, the black diamonds was very circus-like and the theatre related drama masks.

Project Reflection:

Initially, i struggled immensely because I didn’t understand how people were deriving such creative, abstract concepts from the word curiosity. Once I kinda shut down, and gave myself space to be abstract, I liked the figures and images that came to mind when envisioning circus and it morphed into a vintage, circus, theatrical sort of piece that I’m satisfied with. In the future, I want to work with realistic, dynamic figures and incorporate more shading. I still think I’m too drawn to doodling and art instead of realism.