What I’ve Learned

Coming in to this photography class I had no experience what so ever when it came to the art of photographs and even using super high tech cameras. Everything I learned was completely new to me from the camera itself to the various photographic techniques. I learned about shallow depth of field and extensive depth of field, when to use one or the other and the affect it will have on my photos. I also acquired knowledge about the importance of lighting, and how by placing the light source in certain areas, it can heavily affect the mood or the overall feel of my photograph. And lastly, probably the most fascinating thing I learned was painting with light. By using objects like flash lights in a dark room and using the camera to capture the drawing motion you do with the light, you can create very unique and cool effects which I found to be really amazing.

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light direction

monuments 20131103_0045


This is my favorite photo to describe light direction. the image contains a monument horsemen using back light of natural light. The horsemen cannot be seen however the silhouette of the horsemen is displayed flawlessly, creating a powerful image. The sky is bright showing the brightness of blue and white clouds. The tree and the monument unlike the sky is pitch black creating a vibrant blend of night and and day, in the image. Overall, I enjoy this image especially to demonstrate light direction of back light.

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I chose this photograph because it shows a great sense of composition. I used the construction road block item into my composition. I used the holes into my advantage to create a frame for the wheels of the car. for the most part, the shot really gives an amazing focus to the photograph.

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depth of field

IMG_0375 IMG_0348

There are two type of focuses in depth of field: shallow and extensive. Both are categorized as depth of Field, however both are absolutely different. The first photo, on the left, shows an example of shallow depth of field. The image contains a focus which is presented sharp and clear, however the background, outside of the focus, is blurry. In the second photo, on the right, the focus and the background are presented clear and accurately. the second image is considered an extensive shot. Furthermore, both shots show two completely different ways of shooting depth of field.


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Portrait shots

There are many methods of using light sources for as a variation for portrait shots. Key, or main, light is a front view. the subject faces the camera and a light is placed at 45 degrees between a camera and the backdrop. Moreover, the light creates a triangle of light on the dark side of the face. There are many poses like broad light, light on the side creating three quarter view, and short light, light on the side of invisible ear. Fill light adds light to the shadows and brightens the unlit side of a person’s face. For instance, the light is reflected through a reflector to a  person’s face with the shadow. Fill light softens the face of an individual and removes unwanted shadow. Moving on, background light lightens up the background and separates the subject from the background. Background light uses three lights in total. Overall, portrait shots need a light source to develop an amazing shot and these light methods do the trick.

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Final Evaluation

Three concepts i learned in class are Painting with light, Raw files, and composition. I always heard about painting with light and wanted to try it but never knew how to approach it, now in the future i can use it if I’m doing a fun project. after entering college, i always shit in raw but never knew the importance of it but now i know it keeps all you information in your photo n thats great to have in the future when working with clients. Composition , most important because it great framing your shot will because it makes your photos successful.

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learning log final entry

I hardly knew anything about photography. I soon found myself gaining more from my experience than I ever imagined. First off, I learned about composition and the many styles of photographs. For example, low angles, high angles, oblique, framing, and many more.  I also developed my vocabulary skills: depth of field, shutter speed, exposure, and many more. Lighting portraits was a major component in my photographs, as well as wide angle distortion. Speed painting was also an uplifting experience that amazed me about the capability a single digital camera can uphold. Overall, my experience has motivated me to carry my digital camera ever where I go.

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Learning Log

One of the most important things that I learned this semester was the importance of light to set the mood. High-key light usually has a tendency to be cheerful and bright whereas low-key can be more serious. Broad light is not necessarily cheerful, but it is more so than short light which, like low-key lighting, is more serious in nature. A good example we saw in class was a photo of Al Pacino cast in shadow with short lighting, and then another of a German Director in high-key lighting.


Another important concept I learned is that exposure is the intensity x time or the aperture x shutter speed. The exposure is a combination of the brightness of light that reaches the film and the length of time that the light strikes the lens. The shutter speed is the length of time that the shutter is open and the aperture is how wide the lens is.

Aperture x Shutter Speed = Exposure


Lastly, I learned the importance of depth of field, and understanding when extensive/shallow is appropriate. The smaller the aperture size, the thicker the depth of field, and the wider the lens.

v Aperture size: ^ Distance: ^ Wide Lens

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Final Evaluation

i walked into this class not knowing hardly anything about cameras i just knew how to take one but not in a professional manor.  in this class i learned several things, from the basics to the more extreme.

one thing i learned was the positioning light. light plays a big part in a photos mood. a spot light can give it a more serious or depressing feeling to the photo while a well light picture has a happier mood.

shallow depth of field is another thing I’ve learned in this class, its when you have an object in full focus and the rest of the shot is blurred out. it gives more attention to the object in focus and for me gives it more clarity.

something i found cool in the class was painting with light. this is an effect that makes you use a flashlight and a dark room to make art, also using a strobe light you can make a regular photo of a person look more creative when drawing with them.

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Best Portrait

I chose this one because I like the shadow and how dark it is. Since the photo is black and white I think it works with the contrast to make it kind of mysterious.



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