GreenWich091013_0001 GreenWich091013_0002


Depth of field is how photos capture images with range or with out range. In the photo on the left I focused on the leafs making everything behind the leafs seem blurry. to do this i put the camera in macro mode and then changed the seen settings to close up. in the photo on the left i took off macro mode then changed the scene settings to wide range/ standard range. with camera i was using it was easier to capture in extensive depth of field. I would chose to use shallow depth of field when i’m trying to capture certain subject or if i want my image to be focused on the detail of a certain subject. I would use extensive depth of field when there was no actual point of interest and the photo had a good look all together. I would also use Extensive depth of field when all of the key elements were important and needed to be sharply seen.

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