Gallery Report.

irving penn’s galley consisit of portraits & still life’s. his subjects was mostly women being that he took photos for vogue magazine. He also took photos of groups in Africa. His portraits ar so emotional, that you can feel the emotion of his subjects. all mojority of pics taken from a eye level. and not a lot of use of lines.

Nick bants main subject is animals & africa.  doesn’t use long lens his pictures are always taken close up. all sepia colored kind of photos but didn’t edit them there straight from the camera. feels like the subject is right in front of u because of the angle of the camera. use of shallow depth of field a few times but also used extensive depth of field.

Robert polidori doesn’t take pictures of people or animals, they’re no real main subject. all pictures of walls & different perspectives. a lot of use of space weather theres no space or really deep space. lines connect making other objects. take pictures of regular everyday objects. while the house his pictures was taken in was under construction.

Susan derges use shadow and solid colors. use of contrast is great. all her pictures are taken with paper and light no camera used. even tho she use color in her pics i still feel it takes me to a darker place. great use of strong solid lines.

olivo barbieri main subjects is mountains and snow. great details shown in the moutains. when looking at these photos i get a animated feel. he minipluates all his pictures. from cutting out random spots causing negative space. to changing the color temperature. always use extensive depth of field to catch every detail in the lens.

Phillip lorca DiCorsia approched photography from a different perspective. he captured male prostitutes. not off guard but staged images. he paid them what they would originally get paid for their job to pose them how he wanted to portray them. Great use of light. the light in his photos are always shining on his subject causing a dramatic feel.

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