Gallery Trip

Gregory Mitchell

The first gallery had photographs by Irving Penn. Most of the photographs were black and white. They had kind of a gloomy feeling, they were mostly black and white portraits of people. There were also covers of Vogue magazine that were done by Irving Penn which were much more colorful. My favorite photograph in the gallery was one of a woman with a old football on her face, I liked the idea of having a football as a mask.

The next gallery was the Kraeutler gallery. All of the photographs were in black and white. Most of them were pictures of african wildlife, the photos had a nice grain on them and they also had a strong contrast. My favorite photo from this gallery was the one of the two elephants. I really liked how much detail there was in the photograph and how you could actually see hairs on the elephants trunk.

The Boone gallery had photographs of behind the scenes in the Versaille palace. The photographs were very colorful and they showed the very decorative wallpaper and frames in the palace. I thought that the pictures were interesting because they show a side of the palace visitors don’t see. I also found it interesting how they had really old paintings just stacked on top of eachother and statues with stuff laying on them as if they had no value.

The Danzinger gallery had pictures that were made using a special kind of paper , water, and light. Most of the photographs were silhouettes of leaves,plants, and fences. The photographs also showed the texture of water and they had a bright colored background with shadowed plants on top.

The next gallery was the Yancey gallery which had photographs of people climbing mountains but some of the snow and mountains were replaced with just a flat blue or white. I thought it was interesting how it was a mixture of national geographic looking pictures and illustration.

The last gallery was the Zwiner gallery. This exhibit is my favorite because I really liked the lighting how they were real shady, and had a retro feel. Most of the photographs were taken at night which added to the mysterious feeling. My favorite photograph is the one where there’s a man standing in a window and all the light inside the room is blue. I like this because the color works really well and it almost has a futuristic feel.

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