Quality House Wines & Spirits is located at 2 Park Avenue, New York, NY (entrance at 33rd st). Their store has a very attractive and warm interior design.
I was greeted by Michelle, who was kind enough to show me around and answer my questions. She gave me background information of their company.They have been around since 1934 and currently have third generation owners. I asked about the demographics of their customer base. They sell to the businesses in the area, corporate events and hotels. They take orders over the phone and on the internet. They have many regular customers but they also have walk-ins and tourists provided by nearby hotels.
When I asked about how many varieties they have, Michelle smiled and told me, “Hundreds of thousands, too many to count”. They carry old vintages. They also have chilled wines, sparkling wines and hard liquor in the store.
Their most popular wine are French wines, followed by Italian and American. Those were the only regions I saw in the store. They also have wines from many different regions that are not on display such as Greek wine.
One thing I really liked was to hear about their public events. They offer tasting events and wine classes to the public. It’s a fun way to educate and motivate people who want to learn more about wines in a friendly setting. The staff is knowledgeable and very friendly to newcomers.
I ended up buying a 2014 Sonoma County Merlot. Michelle has assisted me with my taste preferences and I was very happy with my purchase.
Your views and findings of Quality House Wines & Spirits is very clear and interesting. I was able to learn about the wine shop based on the questions you asked and the response as well. I compare and contrast your experience with my own experience and analyzed the different aspects such as wines, environment and strategies that are used. The pictures that you provided shows how organized and stacked the shelves are and labeled by region.
Thanks for reading!
1934!!! trailblazers!!!
Having tasting events is valuable to attract new customers.