Type Talk: Posters by Rocco Piscatello

  • Select one of the POSTERS then comment: Why do you like this poster?
    Remember to talk with “typography” vocabulary
    • The use of typography within the varied classifications
      (Serif, Sans Serif, Scripts, etc.)
    • Notice any use of variations (styles) of the typeface in terms of weight, width, posture.
    • The use of scale, color, others


  • Read the tab REFLECTION
  • Comment on at least one reflection


  1. Damare Jerome

    The poster I like the most is the Spring 2006 one where it is styled like a word search. I chose this because it looks illegible from a glance but uses that fact to pull the reader in to analyze what is being said. I also enjoy only the use of black and white because it keep the poster simple and easy on the eyes although it seems chaotic at first.

    I also most agree with reflection 6. When I design, I usually add as many things as possible to the canvas/art-board and experiment with different layouts and effects. Even if I have main idea, I try to replicate that as fast as possible and add as much as possible right after so I can work on simplifying everything later on.

  2. Jada Bellille

    The poster titled Philippe Apeloig, Hjalti Karlsson, Jan WilkerSpring 2006, really caught my eye. the typeface used was visually pleasing. the attention to detail in each letters brush stroke was amazing.

  3. Julian

    The poster that piqued my interest the most was Julia Hoffman’s poster (Fall 2012). I really like the concept behind her poster because of how she places certain objects and figures. I think what makes this poster POP out more is the illusion of a 3D environment with the use of 2D shapes and figures.

    For the Reflection I think the most important step is 10 (Iterate, Refine, and Repeat). This is an important step because you’re making improvements onto your design, this class has taught me so far that not all first time attempts are perfect. There is always room for improvement no matter how big or small the change may be.

  4. Dalek Scientist

    fall 2006

    The poster is entirely black and white, with no gradient. The two main Letters are capitalized, and all the body copy is entirely lowercase. The giant two letters that are the subject are heavy sans serif letters, laying sideways, and viewed with perspective.

  5. jack

    The poster i chose was the fifth one (FALL 2012) for its visual representation. The reason why is because it demonstrates simplicity that attracts the attention of the eyes with the use of colors that blend well. I enjoy the typographical Design component that allows the size of the letter look 3D with the use of color white making it super compelling with the reflection as contrasted shadow of the use of red. Great simple representation that can me displayed on a intro of a movie or aware winning show.

    Reflection: I chose #1. The main purpose of typography is the find the right elements to explain the message your trying to get to the person and how it can be appealing to them.

  6. Jada Bellille

    Reflection 4 definitely subsides with me as I believe great creation comes from originality. the mood of a poster can be defined by the structure of the typography, the boldness, or even the density. I strongly agree with reflection #4

  7. Gabriel Celik

    The poster I chose to comment on is Fall 2012. Piscatello’s use of a sans-serif typeface gives off a feeling of modernity, which is perfect because this exhibit was featuring Julia Hoffman who was the creative director of MOMA. Piscatello’s use of the same variation in the type of the poster effectively shows that those are the details, while the scaled up H implies a feeling of importance. I also love the deep contrast between the reds, blacks, and whites in the poster. My only concern would be the use of red text on a red background. Even though the type is a lighter shade of red, this might be a hinderance to people who are visually challenged, such as color blind people.

    The first reflection, “Clarity of Message” is very important because as designers, we are to make sure our reader understands the message we are trying to convey. Through elements of type, size, color, and more we can ensure this clarity.

  8. Angela hazlewood

    I choose Rocco Piscatelo’s Fall 2013 poster. I love how he used a sans serif letter E and manipulated it to appear as three columns. He then created a fold by creating a triangle at the end of the third column. once he created the fold it he cut off a piece the fold to make it seem as though letters a hiding behind the fold. It is a beautiful piece of art.

    I whole heartedly agree with reflection number 3. without math we are not able to balance anything in this world. we need graph, equation, and geometry to find the the full dynamics of a piece. one we master the mathematics we are free to manipulate art in the way we want yet still have a clean sleek look.

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