ARCH1231 BTECH I, SP2020 D546

Professor Gernert

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Summary of Class April 30 + Assignment Due May 5


Today we began Module 3 – Structural Study Assignment. Step 1 of the Assignment is Due Tuesday May 5. I’ve attached it here and on Blackboard.

1231_20Sp_Module 3_Due MAY 5_Gernert

You will need to use the Ching textbook Building Constructed Illustrated to complete this assignment. The relevant pages are listed.  Make your sketches and notes in your sketchbook.

The structural framing examples we looked at in class may be found in this link:

arch 1231_Module 3_wood_ching notes

The slides we reviewed for our discussion are here:

1231_Materials+Properties_wood_steel_reinforced concrete-openlab

As always, email me with questions between now and Tuesday.

Summary of Class Today April 28

Today we reviewed a few students’ Axonometric drawings to demonstrate steps to complete the drawing.

Refer to the Summary of April 21 for videos on how to draw the Axon. All posts are in the Blog section.

Here you will find the screenshots of my mark-ups from today’s video, and the section sketches I’ve posted before:

arch 1231_axonometric markup + section

This is the final week of Module 2, so you need to finish up your Plan, Section, and Axonometric. I’ll re-send the submission formats by the end of the week; and we’ll review those this Thursday.

As always, email me with questions that come up between classes.

Prof. Gernert

Upload your files to this Dropbox folder


Some of you have requested the link again to the Dropbox folder for this course. I am re-posting the link here.  Upload your drawings here via this link. If you don’t see a folder with your name, make one.

If you have a question on your drawing, don’t wait for the next class – email me, and I will respond.

Prof. Gernert

Summary of Class Today April 21


Today we started the Axonometric drawing for Module 2. As we discussed in class, you’ll need your detail Plan of the masonry wall to do your Axon drawing. Use your Section drawing of the wall for the heights you need. We will review all 3 drawings this Thursday April 23; those of you who are behind on your Plan and Section, now is the time to catch up. Information and links are below.

Here are the links to the videos we reviewed in class:

The 1st video demonstrates the construction of the masonry cavity wall layers, beginning with the CMU backup wall.

The 2nd video demonstrates how to draw the axonometric without a parallel bar or T-square. The first step is to tape down your Plan, rotated using either a 45 or 30/60 degree triangle. Either one is okay. Tape a 2nd sheet on your Plan. Follow the video for this set up. Remember that in this type of Axon, your vertical lines stay perpendicular to your sheet of paper; and all the horizontal elements are parallel to your rotated Plan.

For all drawings in this module, the scale is 1/2″=1′-0″. Below are the earlier links to draw the Plan and Section, re-posted here:

This is the sketch of the wall material thickness dimensions from the beginning of this Module, and the video on drawing the Plan:

Here is the sketch I uploaded last week with the material dimensions for the Section:

Summary of Class Today April 16


Here you will find the Sketches from today; the Due Dates for the 3 drawings of Module 2; and where to find previously posted information to assist you as you complete your Plan and Section Details.

The Due Dates are:

By this weekend, April 18: Progress drawings with your questions — Plan + Section drawings. By Tuesday April 21 — completed Plan + Section drawings; you don’t need the text yet but you need the drawings.

We will start the Axonometric this Tuesday April 21. All drawings due April 28. 

Here are the sketches from today’s class to assist you in your Section drawing.

If you need to catch up: Go to the OpenLab site for our class, and open the BLOG. Previous posts and info can be found there.

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