Class Info

  • Date: Monday, May 24, 2021 — 2:30-5:50pm
  • Zoom Class Link Here

To-Do Before Class

  • Complete all drawings and essay for Final Project: Place for Reflection
  • MONDAY – May 24, is FINAL CLASS of semester.
  • All work is due.

Place of Reflection assignment:

  • Complete 1 Plan, 4 Interior Elevations, + 1 Axonometric drawing.
  • Update your essay on your Reflection space – include description of your space.
  • See slides from class for assignment instructions and clarifications.
    • Be sure to look at the last slide for final presentation requirements.
  • Prepare your slide presentation to be given in class Monday.

Topics + Activities

  • Final Project of Semester: A Place for Reflection
  • Student Presentations
  • Review of Final Project and updating work for Final Submission.

To-Do After Class

  • Complete any missing elements from your presentation.
  • Make a PDF of your drawings and writing on your Place of Reflection; and submit to Dropbox here.