The Route:

The ideal route for one to consider should generally give them a taste of the different aspects that Brooklyn has to offer. It should be the most comfortable to them, allowing them easy access to the things they believe are important, pleasant, or fascinating while  on their way. With my route in particular, it emphasizes happiness including the favorable restaurants in Brooklyn as well as other businesses such as clothes stores, as well as view of the city buildings. Along this route, one can be in the presence of many other individuals, whether they are tourists, or school kids that are making their way from store to store. They can also have a pleasant walk through what is considered a peaceful area in the city.  As you walk, you can also see sky scrapers in the distance which is a typical aspect of the city. Once an individual leaves the City Tech , they have an opportunity to take this route that provides numerous choices for places to enjoy a nice meal, or swing by a local H&M for that sweater you’ve had your eye on. And when all is done, you can easily continue on the same direction heading out to a train or bus.

The route that I have chosen will take an individual approximately 15 minutes out of the original path to the train station. First, leave through the front entrance of City Tech which is on 300 Jay street. You will see the construction directly across the street and hear the jack hammers digging into the pavement when you reach outside. Proceed south on Jay street onto the next block. Continue on this path up until you are in front of the Marriott hotel on the right, at which point you will stop. Cross the street directly across from the hotel onto the walkway entrance of  the Metro tech center. There will be a lighted map of the center, as well as Christmas decorations that hang along the walkway. Proceed along the center walkway up until the end of the block. You will be welcomed by the aroma of cooked ground beef from the near by Chipotle. Make a right onto Laurence street where you will see a local 5 guys restaurant. Continue for approximately 3 blocks on Laurence street where you will see the city building structures in the distance. The fall trees will sway in the wind currents as the leaves swiftly slide onto the ground. On the left will be the local Golden Crust and Chinese restaurant. Turn right onto Fulton street and proceed down this path for 3 blocks up until Adams street. Directly behind you, will be one of the many tall skyscrapers in the distance on Fulton streets vantage point. While walking along this street,  there is a Modells accompanied by two local banks to the left. On the right there is a Burger King  restaurant. Approximately 20 feet down is  the much favored Shake Shack restaurant on the intersection of Fulton and Adams street. You will immediately see the city skyline as the light reflects of the building windows. Safely cross Adams street and proceed into the Borough Hall 5 train station. As one can see, this route offers more meal choice opportunity as well as a better angle at the view of the city, unlike the usual route that is taken.

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