• Inevitable
  • Fetid
  • Hybrid
  • Disdain
  • Commensurate
  • Analytical
  • Hindsight
  • Taciturn
  • Misogyny
  • Gallantry
  •  Inquire
  • Aflutter
  • Cumbersome

Glossary assignments changed my way of reading forever. When we first started doing these assignments I couldn’t help but complain. I believed it would be a waste of time. Locating words I did do know the meaning to. Defining them and writing  a paragraph about them explaining what they meant. Through life Ive been used to ignoring unfamiliar words and continuing my reading. But after doing multiple of these assignments. I would no longer ignore words I had never seen before. I would look up the definition and try to use the clues given within the actual sentence to help guide my understanding. As well as, this method has helped expand my vocabulary. Now anywhere I see one of these words, I remember what they mean. For instance, when seeing the word “aflutter” I immediately know it means being nervously excited. Or when  seeing the word “fetid” means a horrible smell. I plan to continue using this method as much as I can. This can really help me out throughout the rest of my college years and even beyond that. Me wanting to major in sports journalism will require similar strategies for me to understand new terms. These glossary assignments have also helped improve my coordination with classmates a lot. The beauty of it is that while my classmates shared words they did not comprehend, I could read their glossaries and grow my vocabulary even further.  They could also do the same with the ones I posted. So in a way we were all learning from each other. I would recommend other college students to try this. Even though it seems like a lot of work the greater outcome is really worth it.




Cumbersome an adjective defined as “large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy” by Merriam-Webster dictionary. While reading “Our Love Affair With Digital Is Over” by David Sax the word cumbersome stood out. Mainly because it was an unfamiliar word. I had no idea what it meant. The sentence read “although more cumbersome and costly than its digital equivalents.” Using the context clues and the definitions I was finally able to comprehend what the word really meant. The author was portraying how board games are heavier and more difficult to carry, but they give a richer cultural experience that stays with you. Rather than just carry a blackberry and create your own community that build a more fictional aspect.



The article “Our Love Affair With Digital Is Over” deals with the advancement in technology over the years. How technology has created online communities. Creating the debate wether they can be give you the same feeling as a real life neighborhood or community. While reading this article I stumbled upon the word Affluter. The sentence read ” like most relationships we plunge into with hearts affluter.” I had no idea what this word meant. Merriam- Webster dictionary defines it as an adjective “meaning nervously excited”. After rereading the sentence with the new acquired knowledge I was able finally able to understand what it really meant. The author was trying to say how as we begin new relationships we always seen to be nervous but yet very excited about the possible outcomes.



Inquire. An intransitive verb defined as to put a question : seek for information by questioning by Merriam Webster Dictionary. The short story ” A Jury of Her Peers” tells a story of Mrs.Hale murdering her husband and a group of girlfriends protecting her by hiding the crime. Susan Gaspell included the line “”How did she–look?” the county attorney was inquiring.” At first glance I did not understand what the word meant. I tried to re read it a couple of times to get a better understanding. After using context clues, I figured out what the author was trying to convey. The author was trying to express a sense of questioning during the interrogation.



The short story ” A Jury of her Peers” by Susan Gaspell is a well known short story due to its dramatic arc and the mystery that goes throughout the story. While reading this story I stumbled upon the word gallantry. At first glance I had no idea what it meant. I researched it. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary gallantry is a noun with multiple definitions. It was defined as a gallant appearance, an act of marked courtesy or as spirited and conspicuous bravery. This just made everything more confusing. I had to use the context within the actual reading. Susan included the lines …”with the gallantry of a young politician”. Using the definitions I realized that the one that made more sense was the gallant appearance, meaning that the he was elegantly dressed as a politician.


Misogyny. A noun defined as “a hatred of women” by Merriam Webster Dictionary. In the article, ” What Feminist can do for boys” by Jessica Valenti talks about how feminist ideas can really help a man in so many positive ways. In the article the author included the line “Whether it’s mysogynist terrorism ,the rash of young men feeling sexually entitled to women or the persistent stereotype of “real men” as powerful and violent. When I first read this line I did not really understand what it meant. But after reading it slowly and the context clues I came up with the conclusion that the word just means a man having strong hate towards a women and just thinking of them as a sex object.

Merriam-Webster defines the word Taciturn as an adjective, temperamentally disinclined to talk. While reading the article “Allowing Teenage Boys to Love Their Friends” by Jan Hoffman I noticed she included a short story about a teenager who was afraid to tell his friend that they were drifting apart. The adjective came up in the authors interpretation of the event occurring in that boys life. Thats why she included the lines “indeed, the shutting down of those relationships is part of what turns boys into taciturn, emotionally disconnected men”. After reading this I got more context of what the word really meant. It means that the boy did not want to talk about his feelings because he felt he would be judged the way society judge other boys for expressing how they feel to anyone. He was holding back his feelings just because he did not want to be viewed as “weak” or “gay” as society would say.

Hindsight. A noun defined as “perception of the nature of an event after it has happened”. While reading the article ” Today’s Masculinity is a stifling” I stumbled upon the word hindsight. The article stated ” In hindsight, our son was gearing up to wear a dress to school for quite some time.” The author was referring to her son, he was wearing a dress and felt quite comfortable and wanted to keep wearing dresses. The word is being used as a mother wanting to describe her son wearing a dress is will not be seen as a normal perception to the rest of society. Her son was content wearing all kinds of dresses and his mother was just proud her son was comfortable with himself at an early age.

Glossary #5

Analytical. An adjective defined as “skilled in or using analysis especially in thinking or reasoning” by Merriam Webster Dictionary. In the article, “Talking To The Boys The Way We Talk To Girls” it talks about how parents talk differently to their sons compared to their daughters. The article states “. . . they use language that is more analytical and that acknowledges their sadness far more than they do with their sons.” This quote shows how parents use a more understanding and emotional language with their daughters. As for their sons, they use a more firm and tough language. They are more strict with their sons.

Glossary #5

Merriam-Webster defines the word Commensurate as an adjective, corresponding or equal to measure, extent or degree. The word commensurate shows up in the article “The Boys Are Not All Right” by Michael Ian Black. In this article the author stated “No commensurate movement has emerged to help navigate toward full expression of their gender.” This line was included to show how society is forgetting about the importance of men expressing their masculinity. This issue leads to many of the worlds biggest problems like school shootings or suicide because since an early age boys have this huge target to live up to of being a “man”.