Trifles (noun)

Trifle (noun): Something of little value, substance, or importance.

According the Merriam Webster, the definition of Trifle means something of little value, substance, or importance. On November 5th, 2018 I encountered this word in my readings. In the reading entitled “A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell, the word can be found on page 154. On page 154 it states, “‘Oh, well,’ said Mrs. Hale’s husband, with good-natured superiority, ‘women are used to worrying over trifles.'”. In this context I was unsure of the meaning of the word. I did not understand what the word meant in the context of the evidence. Prior to encountering the word, it was discussing being held for murder and only worry about her preserves. I assumed this meant, they were worried about themselves in the self. The author was trying to save women are used to worrying over themselves. I see now how this definition fits into the text because what the character was worrying about was of little value. It was not importance as being held for murder was. There is more serious to worry about rather than the minor things. In the word trifle, it is showing the smaller things rather than the bigger picture. I understand the word better after looking up the definition and replacing it with the definition’s words.


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