
The word longitudinal is an adverb and according to Merriem-Webster it means, “involving the repeated observation or examination of a set of subjects over the time with respect to one or more study variables.” This word can be found in the text “How to raise a feminist son” by Claire Cain Miller. The article says, “ Yet longitudinal studies suggest that toy segregation has long-term effects on gender gaps in academics, spatial skills and social skills, according to Campbell Leaper, chairman of the psychology department at the University of California, Santa Cruz.” This illustrates that repeated studies have shown that separating what toys girls and boys should be playing with according to their gender has had long term effects. Knowing and understanding this word will help me get my points across on my masculinity essay.


Anguish: extreme pain, distress, or anguish(verb)

This is the meaning of the word anguish according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary. I saw this word when I was reading the article “What Feminists Can Do for Boys” by Jessica Velenti. It was in the third paragraph of the article which said “Though feminists have always recognized the anguish that boys face in a patriarchal system, we haven’t built the same structures of support for boys that we have for girls.” The author is claiming that boys suffer and feel pain in a patriarchal system where men are in control. I understood this definition since I looked it up and I see that the author feels that boys suffer under a sysyem where men are in conrol.


misogyny (noun)

Misogyny  (noun): a hatred of women.

Source: Merriam-Webster (online).

Ms. Valenti begins her article What Feminists Can Do for Boys by talking about how feminism ironically “coincided with the rise of extreme misogyny.” Misogyny is mentioned here because feminism resulted in more hatred in women. It is as simple as that and that is precisely why it is an appropriate word she used.

Diana Galvez


The word Alienation appears in the context “the shame over feeling any sadness, despair or strong emotion other than anger, let alone expressing it and the resulting alienation.” This word is included in the article “Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest” by Andrew Reiner. In view of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “Alienation” implies that a detachment of a man or a man’s affections from a question or position of the previous connection (noun). By definition of the word, the context means young men are experiencing childhood in a general public that genuine men don’t demonstrate emotions. Young men comprehend what feelings is on the grounds that each person is conceived with that normally in any case, they making a decent attempt not to demonstrate feelings that they are losing them self in an expression of judging.


de·lib·er·ate (adjective)

The definition of the word deliberate is done consciously and intentionally according to the dictionary. In the article ” How to Help Kids Disrupt Bro Culture ” by Ana Homayoun, you come across this word when the author states, “A 2013 review article published in the Journal of Sports Medicine suggested that early and excessive emphasis on youth sports and early sport specialization – or participating in one sport year-round – can shift youth focus from fun or “deliberate play” to performance and has been linked to increased psychosocial problems, antisocial behaviors and negative peer interactions.”After now knowing what the word means, the author was saying that young kids that play sports can shift from having fun to then doing intentional actions to other peers in the game, which can cause psychological problems.


Based on the Merriam Webster’s dictionary the word alienation (noun) means a separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment. While reading “Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest”, it state that, “The shame over feeling any sadness, despair or strong emotion other than anger, let alone expressing it and the resulting alienation. Many young men, just like this student, compose artful, convincing masks, but deep down they aren’t who they pretend to be.” This quote means that boys are growing up in a society that real men don’t show feelings. Boys know what emotions is because every human being are born with that naturally but, they trying so hard not to show emotions that they are losing them self in a word of judging.


According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary, the word candidly (adjective) means expressing opinions and feelings in an honest and sincere way. We can find this word in “Allowing teenage boys to love their friends”, in paragraph #9, it state, “Boys in early adolescence would speak candidly about those friendships to Dr. Way and her researchers, acknowledging the importance of having a best friend who was both repository and guard for their most private feelings”. According to this sentence it trying to tell us that boys are also allows to have friends to talk about their problems and their feelings like girls do. Also, boys are allow to have feelings for their friend and showed to them that their care so they can have that support whenever they feel down.


When reading “The Boys at the Back” by Christina Hoff Sommers i came across familiar word that I always listen to but didn’t bother to understand it’s background the word “sympathize”. In the article she said “I can sympathize with those who roll their eyes at the relatively recent alarm over boys’ achievement.” With my research I found that according to Webster’s Dictionary the world means “to be in keeping, accord, or harmony” which now gives me a good understanding on how the world holds to have a lot of emotions for someone. It’s truly a good word to use in a conversation.


According to Merriam Websters Dictionary, the word alagam means a mixture of different elements. The word is used in the article “Teaching Men to be Emotionally Honest” to explain the combination of experiences in sexual engagement. For example,”One student interviewed her male and female friends about their hookups and acted out an amalgam of their experiences through the eyes of a male and a female character;” this means that as they explain their experiences, it shows how different they are from one another.

Merriam-Webster defines the word Taciturn as an adjective, temperamentally disinclined to talk. While reading the article “Allowing Teenage Boys to Love Their Friends” by Jan Hoffman I noticed she included a short story about a teenager who was afraid to tell his friend that they were drifting apart. The adjective came up in the authors interpretation of the event occurring in that boys life. Thats why she included the lines “indeed, the shutting down of those relationships is part of what turns boys into taciturn, emotionally disconnected men”. After reading this I got more context of what the word really meant. It means that the boy did not want to talk about his feelings because he felt he would be judged the way society judge other boys for expressing how they feel to anyone. He was holding back his feelings just because he did not want to be viewed as “weak” or “gay” as society would say.