
On page 408, of the story “The Ride” by JL Williams from the Novel, Legacies, I encountered the word umbrage. According to Merriam-Webster, umbrage is a noun which means a feeling of pique or resentment at some often fancied slight or insult. When I first encountered the word, I was not sure of the meaning of it. It actually is a new word I have never seen in any stories or articles that I read. Originally I thought it meant anger based off of the context clues I was reading. The reason for that is because within the paragraph it talks about a lady who would “…clubbed us all to death with it”. From this description I thought the word was describing a person showing anger and deep hatred. After finding the actual definition, I realized it is not anger but actually resentment. The narrator is describing what they portray the characters of the story to be when on the train ride and in this case she is someone who gives off a displeasing attitude off of anything insulting. I now understand the word better after finding the definition and rereading the text because I can understand how she can be feeling resentment because she comes off as harsh.

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