As I was reading the piece “Brave We Are” by Tahira Naqvi, I came across the word “Susceptible” in the fourth sentence of the seventh paragraph in the piece. At first looking at this word I thought it meant being suspicious or anything near that due to the word starting with ‘sus’. But according to the Merriam-Webster, the word ‘Susceptible’ means ‘”open, subject to, influence”. Based on the definitions given by the Merriam-Webster by a simple google search, I now know what the word means. The word was included in the following quote “I say wisely, with the absolute knowledge that ‘things’ is susceptible to misinterpretation.” At first this I didn’t know it meant, but now that I know what ‘Susceptible’ means, I now understand the context. By this quote, I can interpret that it means things are by default are open to being misinterpreted.