Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapter 13-19

In this section of reading, you can tell that Sophie is becoming more of a women in different ways. She’s making her own decisions such as going to Haiti with her husband with her newborn which is about 18 months at the time. I do not understand what happened before this as she said she was setting off for providence but whatever it is, I believe Haiti brings Sophie’s happiness out. She gets to return to her Tante Atie, who has changed quite a bit. She befriends a women named Lousie, who has makes her do things that she was not allowed to do when she was younger. For example, learning how to read, which she never wanted a child to teach her. In all, I’m happy for Sophie as she has a good husband, a child, with her Atie and finally back in the place she was most happy in.

Breathe, eyes memory 13-19

While reading this portion of the text it felt good knowing that Sophie was still happy in her relationship, despite not liking her body at the moment due to the repercussion of pregnancy, and not necessarily enjoying sex because of the  pain she feels. It seem as thoughe Joseph remained being the true gentleman he declared himself to be in the earlier parts of the book. The thing I found most interesting from reading this portion of the book was how atie’s character had changed, which is what I think attributed to how well she aged; Sophie described her as looking the same way that she looked, before she left for new York. Atie now had a best friend by the name of Louise, she was going out more, drinking, and most surprisingly she learned how to read. This to me means she became much more braver and began taking risks which resulted in her living a more fulfilling life.


Breath Eyes Memory Chapter 13-19

From reading past when Sophie decided to leave her mom and get married a lot has changed. She goes back to Haiti and reunites with Tante Atie and her grandmother. It’s shocking that time has moved so quickly and she even has a 10 month daughter and her auntie and grandmother almost did not recognized her. But I found the reading interesting how Sophia leaves New York and got married, have a daughter and starts living like an adult. Also having that said she notices that her grandmother does not view Tante Atie the same after the left and came back from Croix-des-Rosets. Sophia also goes to her grandmother for marital advice of how to please her husband. Plus she is also feeling bad about her body because of how her mother tested her, she is disgusted of herself and feels like she should not be around anyone even her husband.

breath eyes memory 13-19

in these chapters you see again that sophie has grown up more and has a child now. Sophies daughter is named Bridgette. Sophie is back in haiti to visit Tante Atie. It is a while before she sees Atie again and sophie is mostly talking with louise for a while about New york. Throughtout these chapters i realized some cryptic things were metioned about sophies child Bridgette like the comparrisons that were made with the baby and sophies mother. I was shocked personally but relfied too, to see that Tante Atie was still the exact same way, and it brought me back to the beginning of the novel the way she was talking to Sophie.


One meaningful moment was went Tante Atie read what she had wrote and it was the very exact words that Sophie wrote to her in mother’s day. This shows how much Tante Atie loved what sophie wrote to her when she was a child even though Tante Atie said that it was better if Sophie give the letter to her mother. When I read these line when Tante Atie read I felt happy because it’s very hard to remember something unless it’s something really beautiful or unforgettable. What I didn’t see was Sophie’s reaction because Tante Atie left immediately but I have the feeling that she must have felt happy too after all those years her Aunt remembering what Sophie read to her before departing from Haiti. Tante Atie is learning to write and read that those words are one the first words she has learned to write and read.

breath eyes memory 13-19

The scene where the old lady was trying to kill a rooster and had it running around headless brought back some memories. I remember when I was in my uncles house in the Dominican Republic and they did the same thing to a chicken. They cut the neck halfway and the chicken ran around the yard, blood gushing everywhere until it finally died. They did the same with what I think was a duck and that one was even worse. Since it was all white I saw the blood quickly cover its feathers and it ran faster then the chicken until eventually it suffered the same fate. At the time I didn’t really care much because I knew that we were going to eat the animal and the way they killed it didn’t seem to matter, but reading about this now and remembering that day, makes me kind of feel bad for the poor animals.

Breathe, Eyes, Memory 13-19

In this part of the story, we see that Sophie returns to Haiti with her newborn daughter, Bridgette, to visit Tante Atie, and her Grandmother IfĂ© (who we see that Sophie names her daughter after her grandmother). As Sophie returns, we learn that Tante Atie and her grandmother have not been getting along as they used to. We also see some foreshadowing about Sophie’s child Bridgette. They make some subtleties that this child looks very similar to her mother, and that the childs face looks like they can see the entire family. The part of the reading that stuck out the most to me while reading was when IfĂ© was giving the story about the bird and the little girl. It showed that the girl would have to give her heart up if she followed the bird, and how the little girl tricked the bird by telling it that she left her heart home. In a sense, the bird would be Joseph, and Sophie, the little girl, except in this case, the bird had captured the girl. This is probably something Sophie realized, but never fully accepted.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Chap. 13-19

Sophie is now a wife (married to Joseph) and mother, her daughter’s name is Brigitte five months old, Sophie and Brigitte are in Haiti and are en route to her Tante Atie and Gran Ife home in La Nouvelle Damn Marie. On her way the cab driver is flirting with her and is trying to get to see her naked, she tries to brush him off, showing him her wedding ring but he persists. She met an acquaintance name Louis who filled her in with what she missed over the years.

She is reunited with Tantie Atie and Gram Ife, Tante Atie is now more confident in herself because she can read. The relationship between Tante Atie and Gram Ife isn’t what it was, her mother thinks she is disrespecting herself and is less of decent woman, drinking and staying out late. She even scolded her one night because she thought she wasn’t showing Sophie a good example. Sophie explains to her Grandmother about the testing and how humiliating it was and how the experience ruined her life and relationship with her mother it also put a strain on her esteem and marriage.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Chap 13-19

The significant moment that I found in this part of the reading is when Sophie opens up to her grandmother and tells her what she is going through with her husband. Sophie is saying that she is not enjoying “being” with her husband, I sort of find this moment ironic because the very thing that her mother was trying to keep her from doing she no longer find pleasure in doing even with the freedom of having a husband. Her mother tested her to make sure that she was not touched and remained pure. she believed that it is important for her to keep herself for her husband. Well now she has her husband and she cannot be with him as a wife should.  I believe that this is because of the tests that her mother used to do on her it traumatized her to the point when she dislikes her own body and doesn’t want to share it with her husband. I also think that what she did to herself with the pestle has somehow caused some complications for her. One can say that the mother was correct from the beginning in that if the mother should hear of what Sophie is going through then she would have said I told you so and that she should have listen, that it is Sophie’s decisions that is caused her to feel this way.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapters 13-19

Based on what I have read Sophie has grown up to become a beautiful young lady, this statement is supported by the Haitian van driver who was worshiping her like she was a goddess. I have also noticed that Sophie is now a mother, her and her husband Joseph have a Twenty week year old daughter named Brigitte Ife Woods (Ife is a tribute to her grandmother). I have learned that the grandma lost one of her children while she was pregnant (a long time ago). What stood out to me in this reading is the fact that Sophie rarely has sex even though she is married. The reason I think this is important is because I feel that the “TEST” played a big part in her feelings about sex. In the book Sophie spoke to her grandma about the Test and how it humiliated her, She also stated that the “TEST” made her hate her body and how she is “ashamed to show it to anybody including her husband”.