I,Tituba Black Witch of Salem Chapters 5-9 By JAYME MONGE

A significant moment that stood up to me was located in chapter 7 page 49. There was a moment in which an old woman got lynched for being a witch. When Tituba witnessed the old woman getting lynched it caused her to have a flashback. The flashback was basically her mother getting lynched by Darnell Davis. Tituba felt that her life began all over again after she witnessed the old lady getting hanged. Tituba questions herself what kind of world she lives in that had turned her into a slave. It appears to me that African Americans who had access to knowledge. They would be considered as a witch and would face severe consequences. Knowing that African Americans had to be kept stupid just gets me ticked off. White slave owners believed that if African Americans had access to knowledge either will overthrow them and become the dominant ones. It’s quite pathetic of them for thinking this way. I aways question myself why kill a innocent human being for having knowledgeable skills.


Throughout the reading there were many diverse significant moments that really stood up to me. Some significant moments were to graphic and gruesome. The significant moment that stoop up to me  was located in chapter 1. It demonstrated how slave owners would brutally kill there slaves and torment them. Also the slave owners tend to get very sexual. Darnell who was a slave owner was groping for his penis. Abena eventually got hanged because she retaliated by wounding his shoulder with the cutlass. This goes to show that slave owners and to power to do anything with female slaves. Including having sexual intercourse with them by force if they refuse they get killed. This chapter had many similar details to a previous book. The book commonly related to Tituba was called The History of Mary Prince. It was told by a slave owner who went by the name of Mary. Mary would describe in great detail of how the slave owners would have more dominance over the slaves. Also they had the power to have sexual intercourse with the slaves wether the slaves liked it or not. Nothing good came towards the slaves if they refused just severe punishments and death.




A significant moment that really stood up to me was located in page 53 the very first paragraph. It briefly states how the slave owner who goes by the name of Mr. Wood he deliberately refuses to grant Mary’s freedom. Also how much agony and furry he has over her. He wants to brutally beat her but she is in England premises. This significant moment stood up to me for many diverse reasons. One reason on to why this significant moment stood up to me. It is because it gives the reader a sense of how hard was it to gain freedom.  It demonstrated how slaves struggled so much just to gain freedom and to be liberated from the slave owner’s tyranny. Another reason on why this moment is very significant to me because slaves were often denied from their freedom no matter how many trials and approvals they went through. During slavery in the rural South slavery was never to be mentioned and if it was the slave was designated to be killed. Compared to our society we as humans are treated equally due to our Constitution. We all have natural rights in which the government can’t take away.  During slavery there was no such thing as natural rights and the constitution wasn’t created yet. Freedom was forbidden in the South the slaves were to be kept under tyrannical rule.

The History Of Mary Prince 21-40 By Jayme Monge

While reading from pages 21-40 there was a significant moment that intrigued me. It was located on page 27 the very first paragraph. It clearly states that slaves during that time period could purchase there freedom from the bigots. I find that significant moment to be quite fascinating. While slavery was intact slaves had no freedom at all. No matter how hard they worked there masters still kept them as peasants. Sometimes their masters would even increase the price if they wanted to purchase their freedom. They knew that the slaves had no power and land. Which meant that they had no money and they were very poor. Usually slave owners would whip the slaves or kill them if they mentioned freedom. Back in the rural south the caucasions were dominant and wanted to remain dominant. They would lynch African Americans if they committed a crime or injured a white man. If freedom was ever mentioned bad things would occur. They would either get brutally whipped untill they have saggy skin. Or they would get shipped to another buyer.During slavery African Americans would try to escape to the North. The North opposed against slavery and that was where freedom actually existed. This reminds me of a book that has a similar conflict. The book is called  Nught John by Gary Paulsen. Slavery is intact and an educated African-American actually stands up against his master. The fact that he actually fights for justice and equality for his African-American friends. He does this by talking to his master about freedom and how they should be treated. In the end Night John is considered a hero to his people but is brutally whipped and his fingers are cut off. He then is shipped off to another buyer.

The History of Mary Prince: Reading from pages 1-19 BY JAYME MONGE

A significant moment that really stood up to me was located in page 3 paragraphs 1 and 2 . It briefly explains how African Americans were slaves during that time period and how they were purchased by white people to do their every bidden. This significant moment reminded me of a  book that I read in middle school. The book was called Night John by Gary Paulsen. He was an African American slave who was purchased by a white man. Back in day African Americans were forbidden to learn and to be educated. They only had one task and it was to work in the plantation fields for hours. Night John was very diverse then the other slaves who worked in the fields. He was an educated slave who knew his alphabet. One day he met a female African American slave named Sarny who was willing to do anything to be educated. So Night John said ” If I teach you the alphabet and all the things I know you in return must give me some tabacco”. Sarny agreed to give him some tabacco in return to be educated. So day by day she would learn a new letter of the alphabet. If any African American were to get caught learning anything they would be either hanged, get their fingers cut off, and even sold to another white buyer. Sarny got caught learning and she was about to get whipped by the slave owner. The slave owner was brutal and a bigot but Night John decided to take her place instead he got his fingers cut off. This significant moment has similar situations in which a slave would have to be kept uneducated and would be sold to another buyer. The fact that African Americans were segregated and alienated from society sickens me. Just because they come from a diverse part of the world and their skin color is different. That doesn’t mean they should be mistreated like any other human being.



A significant moment in the text is located in paragraph 8. Knowing that Malcolm X was a hustler in the streets he had no struggles. Not only was he a hustler to others but to society as well. Now that Malcolm X, is a prisoner at Norfolk Prison Colony. He struggles with comprehending the dictionary and the ability to write. Although Malcolm didn’t know how to write properly he doesn’t give up. In fact he hustles to gain proficiency in writing . Malcolm’s main goal is to be recognized to society and become articulate in writing . In order to gain recognition he reads from the dictionary allowing him to gain  the ability to write proficiently. Thus preventing him from being alienated from society. In relation to the text and as to why I chose to write about this significant moment. It reminded me of my junior year  and  how I struggled with mathematics ( geometry) in other words. I didn’t want to be viewed like an idiot by the students and  teachers. I wanted to be known as a student with full potential. I managed to hustle my way through to gain it. In order for me to gain proficiency in geometry I had to keep on practicing and asking for extra work. I also took practice examinations to see if I improved and I eventually did. The teachers were surprised by my grades and test scores. Also in today’s society many diverse state prisons have many uneducated prisoners because they don’t have access to books.