Throughout the reading there were many diverse significant moments that really stood up to me. Some significant moments were to graphic and gruesome. The significant moment that stoop up to me  was located in chapter 1. It demonstrated how slave owners would brutally kill there slaves and torment them. Also the slave owners tend to get very sexual. Darnell who was a slave owner was groping for his penis. Abena eventually got hanged because she retaliated by wounding his shoulder with the cutlass. This goes to show that slave owners and to power to do anything with female slaves. Including having sexual intercourse with them by force if they refuse they get killed. This chapter had many similar details to a previous book. The book commonly related to Tituba was called The History of Mary Prince. It was told by a slave owner who went by the name of Mary. Mary would describe in great detail of how the slave owners would have more dominance over the slaves. Also they had the power to have sexual intercourse with the slaves wether the slaves liked it or not. Nothing good came towards the slaves if they refused just severe punishments and death.



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